All tackles lead with the head

You’re trying to claim that none of these are “crown” shots, yet these parts of the helmet get players ejected every single week.
you’re either lying or so ignorant that you shouldn’t be arguing.
Again: these tackles get players ejected every week for CROWN shots. Every. Week.
Eyes up. Violent helmet to helmet contact. What you want to avoid. Here. For the fourth time I’ve linked you. Oh. And can still get ejected under this same rule.
Literally nothing you can do to avoid being ejected if the runner decides to move his head where yours is going. .
View attachment 41514

Was that play flagged for targeting?
Lol. The irony is palpable with this one
All FG's lead with the foot.

All HR's lead with the bat.
You’re trying to claim that none of these are “crown” shots, yet these parts of the helmet get players ejected every single week.
you’re either lying or so ignorant that you shouldn’t be arguing.
Again: these tackles get players ejected every week for CROWN shots. Every. Week.
View attachment 41515

Um. No they don't.

None of those are 'CROWN' shots. You obviously don't know what the 'CROWN' of the helmet is.
Was that play flagged for targeting?
If it wasn’t, then I’m showing you how going in high at helmet level is the thing you want to avoid, it leads to violent head collisions.
If it was, then I’m showing you that advocating for going in eyes up can still get you ejected.
Pssst, you’re proving my point. It’s a very stupid rule both in conception and prosecution. I’ve stated that a million times. Please learn to think.
Um. No they don't.

None of those are 'CROWN' shots. You obviously don't know what the 'CROWN' of the helmet is.
None of these are exposing the part of the helmet that players weekly get ejected for fir ‘hitting with the crown.’
you’re going to stick with that, huh?
Weird how you’re just going to sit here and lie

Was that play flagged for targeting?

If it wasn’t, then I’m showing you how going in high at helmet level is the thing you want to avoid, it leads to violent head collisions.
If it was, then I’m showing you that advocating for going in eyes up can still get you ejected.
Pssst, you’re proving my point. It’s a very stupid rule both in conception and prosecution. I’ve stated that a million times. Please learn to think.

LOL. You dipshit. You can't use a photo as an example to make your point that you don't even know if it was flagged or not. Video evidence is reviewed in targeting, not a cherry picked snapshot.

Hard to tell what happened in that snapshot that you don't even know if it was flagged or not.
LOL. You dipshit. You can't use a photo as an example to make your point that you don't even know if it was flagged or not. Video evidence is reviewed in targeting, not a cherry picked snapshot.

Hard to tell what happened in that snapshot that you don't even know if it was flagged or not.
I literally gave you both options, and they both show the rule as stupid. You’re as dumb as all the dirt.

If it wasn’t called, then it doesn’t cover and advocates for the very dangerous thing you want to avoid.
If it was, then the action it calls for still can get you ejected.
Dumb. Rule.
Oh and in the PSU thread you advocated for “keep your head up and wrap up”. YOUR LITERAL QUOTE.

That’s what’s HAPPENING HERE LEADING TO A VIOLENT HEAD CLASH. you’re a fucking moron
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None of these are exposing the part of the helmet that players weekly get ejected for fir ‘hitting with the crown.’
you’re going to stick with that, huh?
Weird how you’re just going to sit here and lie

View attachment 41516

That you keep using that photo as examples of 'targeting', proves you obviously don't know what the 'CROWN' of the helmet is.

I can see the 'CROWN' of the helmet in everyone of those pics and it's not making initial contact. They're making contact with their shoulder pads with the head to the side. They're all 'form tackles'.
That you keep using that photo as examples of 'targeting', proves you obviously don't know what the 'CROWN' of the helmet is.

I can see the 'CROWN' of the helmet in everyone of those pics and it's not making initial contact. They're making contact with their shoulder pads with the head to the side. They're all 'form tackles'.
God. This again. You must be weak trolling. If the fucking offensive player moves as players are apt to do (crouch, juke, avoid, dive, slide etc), each of those defenders can get ejected for doing the LITERAL EXACT SAME MOTION as in these pics. Do you understand, you dense fuck?
that makes it a stupid rule
I literally gave you both options, and they both show the rule as stupid. You’re as dumb as all the dirt.

If it wasn’t called, then it doesn’t cover and advocates for the very dangerous thing you want to avoid.
If it was, then the action it calls for still can get you ejected.

Dumb. Rule.
Oh and in the PSU thread you advocated for “keeping eyes up and wrapping up”. YOUR LITERAL QUOTE.

That’s what’s HAPPENING HERE LEADING TO A VIOLENT HEAD CLASH. you’re a fucking moron

Again.... It's a snapshot in time. Not an entire video.

I can take pretty much any video and freeze it to where there was some helmet-to-helmet contact somewhere. It depends what led up to the helmet-to-helmet contact. Was it intentional or incidental?

These are things you're missing when dying on your hill.

Carry on, dipshit. I've got better things to do then get drawn into 5 more pages of your idiocy.
Again.... It's a snapshot in time. Not an entire video.

I can take pretty much any video and freeze it to where there was some helmet-to-helmet contact somewhere. It depends what led up to the helmet-to-helmet contact. Was it intentional or incidental?

These are things you're missing when dying on your hill.

Carry on, dipshit. I've got better things to do then get drawn into 5 more pages of your idiocy.
You called it the crown of the helmet. You’re literal quote. What a jackass.
God. This again. You must be weak trolling. If the fucking offensive player moves as players are apt to do (crouch, juke, avoid, dive, slide etc), each of those defenders can get ejected for doing the LITERAL EXACT SAME MOTION as in these pics. Do you understand, you dense fuck?
that makes it a stupid rule

So you're using a photo collage of tackles that you agree are NOT targeting to prove targeting. LOL

You're truly insane.
So you're using a photo collage of tackles that are NOT targeting to prove targeting. LOL

You're truly insane.
You must be trolling.
let me take this step by step for you because you are dumb.
Take every single one of those pics, don’t change what the defender does ONE IOTA… now have the offensive player juke, crouch, slide, try to avoid, shift, etc… and you get a targeting penalty.

you’re saying those tackles are fine, but if the offense guy moves just a bit, those defenders can and are ejected for targeting. Weekly.

You. Dumb. Fuck.
You must be trolling.
let me take this step by step for you because you are dumb.
Take every single one of those pics, don’t change what the defender does ONE IOTA… now have the offensive player juke, crouch, slide, try to avoid, shift, etc… and you get a targeting penalty.
You. Dumb. Fuck.

You've already got 9 pages of step-by-step.

You're clearly alone on your hill.
You've already got 9 pages of step-by-step.

You're clearly alone on your hill.
That’s how stupid you are. Nine pages and you still are ‘not getting’ basic things here.

YOU: “Whuh? You’re showing non penalized tackles to make a point???? Huh huh?”

yes, you dumb fuck. And it’s taken you nine pages to get basic stuff
You've already got 9 pages of step-by-step.

You're clearly alone on your hill.
And we notice you didn’t reply to the point now that you finally get it.
Again: The defender can do the exact same real time motion that you admit is fine, but if the runner shifts, the defender can (and HAS ON A WEEKLY BASIS) get ejected.

do. You. Understand. How. That’s. A. Fucking. Stupid. Rule.