anyone else have their mother in law live with them?

My in-laws are both 93. Still in their own home. Bat shit crazy from most things that make you bat shit crazy.

But in their own home. The 3 sisters do things for them but all I have to do is mow their lawn every third time when it's my turn.
About this time last year, my mother-in-law's mother passed away and my MiL hosted a memorial service for her - which my wife and I attended. When we arrived (early), my MiL gave me her camera and asked me to take some pictures of the family gathering before and after the service. I thought nothing of it and was happy to help her out in that regard.

Throughout the day, almost everyone that knew my MiL came up to me and exclaimed "she let you touch her camera!!!??!!!" I found out that day that her camera is emphatically sacred to her and I'm the only other person on the planet she trusted with it... Not her husband or her children or her siblings... ...just me.

...Therefore, I can relate to @HammerDown's relationship with his MiL.
If your mother-in-law lives with you, it's proof you gave up the pants in your marriage a long time ago.
I'm not exagerating when I say that when I was in my mid-20's, I was plotting the murder of my first MIL. Nasty fucking cunt. Every time I get tempted to criticize my current MIL, I think about that bitch.
I'm not exagerating when I say that when I was in my mid-20's, I was plotting the murder of my first MIL. Nasty fucking cunt. Every time I get tempted to criticize my current MIL, I think about that bitch.
I don't mind any of my inlaws.....i know lots who have it much worse. my wifes father passed away and her step mom is still the most active grandparent in my daughter's life.
I don't mind any of my inlaws.....i know lots who have it much worse. my wifes father passed away and her step mom is still the most active grandparent in my daughter's life.
I couldn't have asked for better FIL's. My current one is easily one of the nicest, kindest people I've known in my life. He's also loaded and generous.
I couldn't have asked for better FIL's. My current one is easily one of the nicest, kindest people I've known in my life. He's also loaded and generous.
Time to have him invest in upgrading that xfl board before the merger....
My FIL could move in tomorrow. My MIL moves in, and Im moving out.

I'm also fortunate because my wife isn't sensitive at all about her mother's insanity. When we visit, I'm talking my wife off the ledge half the time. "Just three more days. Hang in there."

I'm also fortunate because my wife isn't sensitive at all about her mother's insanity. When we visit, I'm talking my wife off the ledge half the time. "Just three more days. Hang in there."
When the rm complains about my mother I'm usually in full agreement....too many years of living alone has done a number of her social graces
I am blessed to have a really good MIL and I think a lot of her. But I wouldnt want her living with us

I'm also fortunate because my wife isn't sensitive at all about her mother's insanity. When we visit, I'm talking my wife off the ledge half the time. "Just three more days. Hang in there."
My MIL is a crazy asshole that has been married 6 times. That's not a typo. Once, not long after my daughter was killed, we were preparing for my sons high school graduation. The wife and I were all stressed out, and just trying to be functional. We got into a pretty big argument about some shit, and the MIL decided to chime in with," I think you guys need to get a separation"

I lost my fucking mind, and told her," You know what Linda, if I ever want to get divorced you'll be the first person I call! When it comes to marriage, you can sit all of those conversations out! Just because you have done it more than anyone, clearly doesn't make you an expert."
I couldn't have asked for better FIL's. My current one is easily one of the nicest, kindest people I've known in my life. He's also loaded and generous.
My FIL could move in tomorrow. My MIL moves in, and Im moving out.

My FiL's trade was automotive electrician. He has a '72 GTO that he custom-wired all kinds of rad shit into (like smoke screen, hydraulic license plate hider, rear flood lamps, powered shit unheard of in '72). He's already willed that car to us. :yes: My FiL is a goofy but cool dude.
Wow, I didn't know that. Horrific.
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