Best Santa Snack

My daughter wants to give Santa some sausage balls, which I'll be making this week with some fresh local sausage.

If only I can put in the idea is bourbon for Santa before the kids grow out of the tradition, it won't seem as bad.
When do you feel is the right age for them to watch Violent Night?
If Santa would rather have peanut butter blossoms than pink cookies, I'm never letting his faggot ass into my house!
Put your dick away, junior
Be milk & cookies if the wife gets to baking them soon. Had what looked like oats or "reindeer food" from their classes. Plus 9 baby carrots on the yard. I wasn't eating any uncooked carrots so those went to the yard and will go to the trash.
WTF is up with Carrots

We put them out because my daughter thinks we need to "feed the reindeer".

Be milk & cookies if the wife gets to baking them soon. Had what looked like oats or "reindeer food" from their classes. Plus 9 baby carrots on the yard. I wasn't eating any uncooked carrots so those went to the yard and will go to the trash.

When my kids were little we'd put out cookies and milk out and I'd have them write letters to Santa thanking him for stopping.
One time my daughter asked if we had any carrots. I told her we had baby carrots in the fridge and asked 'Why?'
She said "For the reindeer".
I got the carrots and filled their palms. They went out the back door and each made a little pile of baby carrots.
When I knew they were asleep (parents can always tell if their kids are sleeping or faking it), I went outside, picked up the carrots and replaced them with malted milk balls.
The next morning they came running into the bedroom and jumped up on the bed yelling "Santa came!!". I asked them if the reindeer had eaten the carrots, so they went outside to check. They came back in laughing so hard they could barely walk, saying "Daddy they ate the carrots and pooped".