Biggest creeps in baseball

Aug 17, 2020
Reaction score
$ 112.00
SoCal. The Promised Land.
Going to have to nominate four players and they're all, not surprisingly, associated with the Boston Red Sox.

1.) Curt Schilling
2.) David Ortiz
3.) Alex Cora
4.) Carlos Beltran
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What about that pedophile Pirates pitcher? I forget his name.
And the one that smacked his gf around in the stairwell? He was a minor leaguer, though.

And ARod.

I said what I said.
Ryan Braun falsely accused a lab rat of doctoring his sample (knowing damn well he was dirty) and went so far as to claim anti-Semitism was the reason it was done.

Ryan Braun was Jussie Smollett before anyone had ever heard of Jussie Smollett.

Any list of MLB creeps that doesn't have Braun at the top of the list is invaild.
Ryan Braun falsely accused a lab rat of doctoring his sample (knowing damn well he was dirty) and went so far as to claim anti-Semitism was the reason it was done.

Ryan Braun was Jussie Smollett before anyone had ever heard of Jussie Smollett.

Any list of MLB creeps that doesn't have Braun at the top of the list is invaild.
Dang. It's been so long since I've watched baseball, I forgot about that piece of shit. Good call.
Creepy Crespi :dhd:
did we forget orlando cabrera? i think it was him, i remember stories here back in 04/05 that he was hanging around middle schools too much or something.
Who’s that Blue Jays player that loves to jerk off just a little too much?
btw, hemilich is in mexico with an ERA near 7.00 right now