BREAKING: Saban Retiring

world fails GIF
My Calls would be…

1. Sarkisian- He will say No
2. Lanning- Probably Yes
3. Demeco Ryan’s- 50/50
I don’t make too many hard bets…. There is no way in the deepest depths of hell that Bama goes after Dabo, Cristobal…. Hell no. Oh yeah. Forgot James Franklin…. Hell to the no.
Kiffin would make sense
Hey, it was a great run! He is the greatest of all time! I hate to see him go, but when you buy a half a gazillion dollar house in South Florida, you want to spend some time there I’m sure.
My coworker in Tuscaloosa said that there are some rumors that Ms. Terry might be sick. That would certainly push him in a direction he might not have planned.

Either way, I'm devastated. He's been the continuity that made Bama a machine.