Crazy, bitch ass weather

Aug 17, 2020
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$ 91,200.00
still exiled in Illinois
Haven't seen any winter yet to speak of. Highs mostly in the 40s. Tomorrow in the mid 50s. Then, by Sunday high in the low 20s then back up again. Less than a week away from the latest 1st snowfall record. Was just on a walk around the property and I have tulips peeking through the ground. FMR
Haven't seen any winter yet to speak of. Highs mostly in the 40s. Tomorrow in the mid 50s. Then, by Sunday high in the low 20s then back up again. Less than a week away from the latest 1st snowfall record. Was just on a walk around the property and I have tulips peeking through the ground. FMR
Winter has came and went a few times already a couple hundred miles north.

Four or five on the ground and another five or six over the weekend.

The river was even frozen over this morning.
Been getting to the negatives here at night. -10 or so to break in the new year! Next week looks a little nicer.
Been getting to the negatives here at night. -10 or so to break in the new year! Next week looks a little nicer.
Winter has came and went a few times already a couple hundred miles north.

Four or five on the ground and another five or six over the weekend.

The river was even frozen over this morning.
Yeah. The weather patterns just haven't brought any winter weather to my area...

Yeah. The weather patterns just haven't brought any winter weather to my area...

It had been pretty mild until the last couple weeks. Sounds like it will be pretty cold most of the rest of the season though.
Feel like we haven't had much winter here in southeastern Michigan the past few years. Think I've only used my snow blower twice the past couple of years. I remember as a kid or even not long ago you wouldn't see grass from earlier January til early March. Now its just soggy ass, wet grass all winter
Feel like we haven't had much winter here in southeastern Michigan the past few years. Think I've only used my snow blower twice the past couple of years. I remember as a kid or even not long ago you wouldn't see grass from earlier January til early March. Now its just soggy ass, wet grass all winter
It's like the snow storm track has moved a couple hundred miles north. Got up to a foot of snow due in Southern Wisconsin this weekend. We are going to get more cold rain
It's like the snow storm track has moved a couple hundred miles north. Got up to a foot of snow due in Southern Wisconsin this weekend. We are going to get more cold rain

Rain's been driving me nuts lately. Keeps getting shorting out my christmas lights.
I've got flowers on tomato plants and peppers.
Haven't seen any winter yet to speak of. Highs mostly in the 40s. Tomorrow in the mid 50s. Then, by Sunday high in the low 20s then back up again. Less than a week away from the latest 1st snowfall record. Was just on a walk around the property and I have tulips peeking through the ground. FMR
It’s been pretty nice here. Had some snow before Halloween but barely anything since. Supposed to get 3-4 inches of snow Friday night/Saturday and wind chills in the -25 to -30
its 85 right now and we are in a freeze watch.....

Yeah. The weather patterns just haven't brought any winter weather to my area...

Christmas felt like Easter. But we keep getting snow, just doesn’t stick around long.
They keep saying it’s going to get hit here….but low to mid 80s and reduced humidity….who can complain.

Supposed to chill out here Monday. That will be nice. And gone by Tuesday surely.
its 85 right now and we are in a freeze watch.....

Is this the first hard freeze?

We get these a couple times in the fall, so people know their annuals are gonna die.