Crazy, bitch ass weather

Michigan Insurance is weird, I know.

When you owe money on a ride, you have to carry Full Insurance. So collision repairs are covered.

You aren’t required to carry full insurance once there are no loans and leans en sech. Property Loss Property Damage PLPD costs a lot less. No repairs covered.

Yer screwed out of a car when you wrap it around a pole on PLPD.
Since it was their primary ride, I am hoping the kid didn't end up costing his folks their car.
I remember standing in early morning formation at Keesler AFB back in the early 80s when it was 45°.

That humid cold would cut right through you.

Every bit as cold as 20° in Nebraska that I was used to.
Just stop it
A week ago, there was snow and ice and just about everything was closed. Today, the temps are in the high 50's and people are in shorts. Typical East Texas.
parts of the DC area flirting with 80 degrees on January 26th

According to a local weatherman, out of approx 260 daylight hours so far this month, we have approx 65 hours where we have been able to see the sun. Maybe next week.

According to a local weatherman, out of approx 260 daylight hours so far this month, we have approx 65 hours where we have been able to see the sun. Maybe next week.

65 hours of sunlight is higher than our average January here. I’m jelly.

The Lakes keep the frigid cold away, but cloud cover is the tradeoff.
Had a major snow melt down last week and I found that I had an ice dam on my roof that caused a leak. Rained inside the house. And what do you know “like a good neighbor State Farm is NOT here”
it was 50 here today
43F and cloudy in Siler City, NC rn. Meanwhile it’s 58F and sunny in Buffalo, WY.

Similar conditions in most of the flatlands and upper midwest.

At least according to the weather app on my phone.