Crazy, bitch ass weather

Currently 95 degrees on it's way to 100.
Heat Index is currently 106.

Cool front moves thru tonight so a 30% chance of rain which we need in a bad way.
Good news
It's 100 with a 110 heat index.

Solar Storm Space GIF by NASA
The Low tonight will be 80 degrees here.
It's actually going to warm up here overnight to 72. Don't normally see it getting warmer overnight, but there it is. High of 79 for tomorrow. Should be sunny too. You guys are gonna melt down there. Jeez!
Big heat wave out West. 109 here today in NorCal but single digit humidity. Same tomorrow, and Friday. Great weather for fireworks tomorrow. I stay home on the 4th with all the Jabronis and Mamalukes next door firing shit off to keep an eye on my house.

NOTE: when I was in high school my friend next door burned the neighbors house down on a bottle rocket. Us amateurs were on the roof with a garden house trying to put it out in hot high winds. No luck.
Well, it’s the middle of Summer, sooooo.....🤷‍♂️
True but I am closer to the Pacific Ocean so 109 is abnormal. Was just watching local news and SF may break 100 year record today. We'll see.