Did Josh McDaniels have Aaron Hernandez killed in prison?

That video a few weeks ago where her dog may or may not have licked her snatch.

I mean, It’s her dog.

You must deal with some really Rachel beat up looking females
If you’re swimming in 40 some year old poon that’s higher quality than Brit, good on ya bud.
Hotdog Chili GIF
I gotta be honest, the dancing is weirdly unerotic? lulz. She's kind of a shitty dancer. :laugh:

If you go back and watch her past performances and videos...that has always been the case. She does the same shit....over and over. It's always the same. She can't sing and all her songs are autotuned pieces of shit. She is the very definition of a "manufactured" bubblegum pop star. Usually they grow up. She never has......
So it was deleted. What did he say? Gimme the cliff notes please.
So it was deleted. What did he say? Gimme the cliff notes please.
RTK said Brit looked like a homeless used up old street prostitute.

I took issue with the used up part.

And Bob Kraft gave Josh McDaniels the responsibility of having Aaron Hernandez murdered.