Eating Out for Breakfast/you get it every time

#1 is Eggs Benedict. Just had a really good one yesterday

Happy Monday Night Raw GIF by WWE
What the fuck is wrong with you? Is that a Canuck thing?

At least I've tried Cum Benedict.

For sure you've never taken a walk on the wildside and had a Stacker.

We enlightened like it that way.
No less than 3 over medium

Hash Browns


Biscuit & gravy


One piece of wheat toast, buttered

Coffee and orange juice as I’ve heard it helps digest all the nitrates in the sausage
You stick to your goopy white sauce...

You obviously have no clue about Haute Cuisine.

"haute cuisine" he says. yeah, you canuckistani sure know how to live *rolls eyes*
"haute cuisine" he says. yeah, you canuckistani sure know how to live *rolls eyes*

Go back to your grits and okre.

You wouldn't know Haute Cuisine if it kicked you in the petoot.
Also, can't even remember the last time I went out for breakfast.
Yer a weird dude.


I have a home. I eat breakfast there, if I even eat breakfast.

Going out for breakfast implies hustle bustle early in the day and I'm not into that. Cuts into my reading time.
Texas cheesesteak melt with no bacon with a double order of hash browns scattered, smothered and capped with two scrambled eggs

I have a home. I eat breakfast there, if I even eat breakfast.

Going out for breakfast implies hustle bustle early in the day and I'm not into that. Cuts into my reading time.
oh no! not your reading time! heavens mercy, that would be THE most terrible thing to miss out on!
Texas cheesesteak melt with no bacon with a double order of hash browns scattered, smothered and capped with two scrambled eggs
With all the drinking you do it’s a wonder you’re not 400lbs.
oh no! not your reading time! heavens mercy, that would be THE most terrible thing to miss out on!

You better fucking believe it.

Quiet time with coffee and cats and books builds your soul.

Likely explains your issues...