Fantasy CFB

we doing this again? less than 2 months to go. keepers or no?
Let's pick people that will actually play all season.
Could I get in on this? Is it just like regular fantasy football but with college players? And do I have to pay
Could I get in on this? Is it just like regular fantasy football but with college players? And do I have to pay

up to the commish
no pay just bragging
we do with P5 players and ND. and we have rotated (or thats been the plan but hasnt really happened) the G5 that makes NY6.
ACC, BigTen, BIGXII, Pac and SEC ND and lately AAC players. which if we hold opens up the talent pool by a few schools now.
So far, we got

Wild Turkey (??)
We have our own league with just the three of us and a bunch of random hookers
who cares paul rudd GIF
So can I get in this league or not?