Fantasy CFB

The commissioner can sort out all the things if he still exists. Worst case just start a new league. You’d lose the keepers, but it might be the move.
i went down to 3 a while ago. but if we have to start over thats fine too. with the new teams in the pool its whatever at this point.
So does this cost any money. How does it work?
When the new commish takes over new players also needs to be addressed. we have what was the P5 pool and ND and BYU. we had whatever G5 conference made the NY6. AAC was that G5. the conference lost Cinci, UCF, and Houston they moved to BigXII. AAC gained Charlotte, FAU, North Texas, Rice, UAB and UTSA. If we are holding the same standard this year they need to be added
all that said with major movements over the last year and with the playoff changing to 12 teams and CFP incorporating NY6 we will need to reevaluate out player pool.
SEC, BigTen, ACC, BigXII, ND seeem like no brainer.
This probably has to wait til we see if they change from 6 highest ranked champs. also see what Pac, MW and AAC look like (not to mention any other filling in of those)
Yeah, commish has access to rosters in commish mode, I do another league on Fantrax and just had everyone send me 3 keepers, because we just switched this year to keepers. It would help if everyone just dropped all but the 3 players they want to keep though, because adding and dropping is manual and is a pain if the commish has to do it all.
Cool, I'll see what I can do. Let's see if @Cowboyinexile hops on sometime soon to pass over commish role or I just create a new league with the same rules.
Also lets go ahead and figure out a draft day. League will start on week 1 of CFP games (Thurs. Aug. 31st - Sept 4th).
So how about we draft Saturday Aug. 26th 11:00 am ??
Also lets go ahead and figure out a draft day. League will start on week 1 of CFP games (Thurs. Aug. 31st - Sept 4th).
So how about we draft Saturday Aug. 26th 11:00 am ??
This is good with me
Also lets go ahead and figure out a draft day. League will start on week 1 of CFP games (Thurs. Aug. 31st - Sept 4th).
So how about we draft Saturday Aug. 26th 11:00 am ??
11 am is not the same for everyone
Anyone know a 12th we could possibly add?

Unless @DayButtAssMans’s wants back in the new league

Jack Nicholson Yes GIF