I just made the worst rookie mistake of my life

Got some really hot hot wings for supper. Ate them, wiped off with a napkin and looked clean as a whistle. Went to take a piss without washing my hands beforehand and my pecker is fucking burning. Gonna have to take another shower.
Tequila GIF
Got some really hot hot wings for supper. Ate them, wiped off with a napkin and looked clean as a whistle. Went to take a piss without washing my hands beforehand and my pecker is fucking burning. Gonna have to take another shower.
I've made that one before. Predator sauce.

I was too stupid to figure out what was causing the burning for about 10 minutes cuz it burned like hell. I thought I might die.
Got some really hot hot wings for supper. Ate them, wiped off with a napkin and looked clean as a whistle. Went to take a piss without washing my hands beforehand and my pecker is fucking burning. Gonna have to take another shower.
noob mistake.

Oh, and your ass gonna burn tomorrow.
I remember a couple years ago, I was making some pico de gallo, and I had some really hot serrano peppers. I made the mistake of rubbing my eye, and the burn was instant, and intense as fuck! I ran out side, and dove in the pool and was swimming around with my eyes wide open to try and flush it out. I have no clue if it helped or not, because it burned for a long time after.
I made the mistake of rubbing my eye after dicing up some habanero peppers for some nachos and ended up watching the first half of a Super Bowl with a wet face cloth on my eye and my buddies giving me a hard time.
These wings were a step above hot from a place notorious for having extremely hot wings. There’s nothing better for clearing your sinuses, but wash your hands before you piss. Hard lesson learned
One of the first time I ever cooked with habaneros, I washed my hands twice then took a shower. A good portion of my body was burning after that. I've had a handful of touching face moments since, but now I either use gloves or just don't touch them while cutting.
Some people pay good money for this type of thing.