I think I found my new cocktail of choice

Also, to really make it next level it needs to be served in a block of Spam that's been carved into a shot glass.
What about Tito’s? Still commie because it’s Austin?
I love ranch and I and I still couldn't get down on a shot like this with Ranch.

wtf OP.
I love ranch and I and I still couldn't get down on a shot like this with Ranch.

wtf OP.
You narrow minded fuckers just decide you don’t like something without even trying it.

You’re gonna live your whole life not knowing just how delicious hog jowl and chicken gizzards are too
You narrow minded fuckers just decide you don’t like something without even trying it.

You’re gonna live your whole life not knowing just how delicious hog jowl and chicken gizzards are too

I've had oysters and hot sauce shot and it's the same consistency. and yes I felt like I took a load from Ron Jeremy

shit was gross