I think I found my new cocktail of choice

I've had oysters and hot sauce shot and it's the same consistency. and yes I felt like I took a load from Ron Jeremy

shit was gross
You don’t like raw oysters and hot sauce? What about hot sauce on pickled pigs feet on a saltine?
Mayo and vodka is where you draw the line, but mater juice and bacon mixed with vodka is fine and dandy? You are are some backwards motherfuckers
Mayo and vodka is where you draw the line, but mater juice and bacon mixed with vodka is fine and dandy? You are are some backwards motherfuckers
I was ok with mayo, vodka is where I draw the line. The red line!
You know, I’d be willing to give that a shot, but I can’t seem to get away from these damn old-fashions. I found a store close by that sells fermented cherries in the juice. Good shit with some quality whiskey, bitters, a little sugar, and they say an Orange peel for garnish, but fuck the orange peel.
I was ok with mayo, vodka is where I draw the line. The red line!

you are in Texas. you weird fuckers put mayo on everything. I've seen the Mexicans up here put Mayo on Nachos and Hot Dogs.
you are in Texas. you weird fuckers put mayo on everything. I've seen the Mexicans up here put Mayo on Nachos and Hot Dogs.
I put Mayo on hot dogs. The perfect hot dog is one of those cheese stuffed hot dogs with a slice of American cheese, some mayo and a little ketchup. It’s a God damn hot dog, not a steak. No need being snobby over it
You know, I’d be willing to give that a shot, but I can’t seem to get away from these damn old-fashions. I found a store close by that sells fermented cherries in the juice. Good shit with some quality whiskey, bitters, a little sugar, and they say an Orange peel for garnish, but fuck the orange peel.
are they cheaper than luxardo? That's the gold standard for me, but they are as pricey as gold.
you are in Texas. you weird fuckers put mayo on everything. I've seen the Mexicans up here put Mayo on Nachos and Hot Dogs.
Distracting College Basketball GIF
You know, I’d be willing to give that a shot, but I can’t seem to get away from these damn old-fashions. I found a store close by that sells fermented cherries in the juice. Good shit with some quality whiskey, bitters, a little sugar, and they say an Orange peel for garnish, but fuck the orange peel.
I likem, but the sucrose...
I put Mayo on hot dogs. The perfect hot dog is one of those cheese stuffed hot dogs with a slice of American cheese, some mayo and a little ketchup. It’s a God damn hot dog, not a steak. No need being snobby over it
I'll eat mine that way, but substitute mustard for the ketchup. Preferably some spicy brown or horseradish mustard

Other proper uses for mayo include mater sammiches and tuna salad