I thought we had a "fuck Bikers" thread.

Black And White Oops GIF by Buyout Footage
anyone who is passing on the shoulder is an asshole
I saw this end catastrophically once. Guy decided to pass a truck driving next to me. I was in the center lane, asshole tries to pass the truck in the left lane, in the left shoulder. The highway was on a curve, and there was a car broken down on the shoulder. All I saw was bits of vehicles explode in the air, and nothing but wreckage in my rear view. He spun out into the highway and took out several other cars. I hope he died.
I saw this end catastrophically once. Guy decided to pass a truck driving next to me. I was in the center lane, asshole tries to pass the truck in the left lane, in the left shoulder. The highway was on a curve, and there was a car broken down on the shoulder. All I saw was bits of vehicles explode in the air, and nothing but wreckage in my rear view. He spun out into the highway and took out several other cars. I hope he died.
I’m still here buddy, and the owner of the broken down car was deemed at fault
oh wait, this one may be better

(c) A person may not, if any other vehicle might be affected by the movement, turn a vehicle until he gives an appropriate signal in the manner required by this subtitle.
I think you’re just making shit up to piss me off now. I ain’t reading all that. Anything after “may not, if” is likely utter horseshit.
That’s a bullshit, purposefully vague “law”. When is it actually “required”? Sounds like something written down so a cop can say, “you know why I pulled you over” and I say, “because I look like a nice person you’d like to be friends with?” And he says, “no, you only had your blinker on for 75 feet so get out of the car so I can beat your ass then search and seize anything I want because I think I smell marijuana cigarettes.”

yeah that was me once... fucking pig

was 16 and 3 deep with some african americans and headed to the roller rink. i knew my left turn signal was busted so I took a right with the copper behind me.. did everything legal and the damn lights went up..

fuck. 30 mins of my friends and I being searched and my car being searched..

machine gun cat GIF
the better time was though i was in Orlando one night. stopped at the club in the parking lot. sat in the car and put back a few beers.

get out - lookin fresh to go in... damn undercover in a fucking out of state minivan..

handcuffed on the ground for 45 mins there while they searched our car and ran out information....
the better time was though i was in Orlando one night. stopped at the club in the parking lot. sat in the car and put back a few beers.

get out - lookin fresh to go in... damn undercover in a fucking out of state minivan..

handcuffed on the ground for 45 mins there while they searched our car and ran out information....
I told the story of coming out of my apt one morning and hearing "show me some hands, mf'er!!!" and shotguns being pumped, turn around the half the damned LAPD has me surrounded. Laying face-down on 100 degree blacktop then handcuffed for 90 mins on the way to the rubber room because my ex-wife told them she thought I was suicidal when she read some lyrics I wrote. Got the full 5150 treatment. Talked to the cop all the way out to Riverside and he sympathized but it's the law. Spent the night there, the next morning a lil Oriental doctor came in, read the lyrics, looks at me and says "where's the part about sucide?" I was cut loose within 10 mins.

The worst part of that was the handcuffs for almost 2 hrs. My shoulders hurt for 10 freakin days, man.
I ride my bike into work occasionally on nice days, outside of a 1 mile stretch where a sidewalk doesn't exist, I stay on the sidewalk because I hate bikers.
When I saw "mass bike ride" I instantly pictured a car plowing right through them and I got movement.

I imagined a bunch of eco-Commies pedaling through Central Square in Cambridge screaming about all the "cahs" and their evil "cahbenn emissions" :laugh:
Mine are pretty much everyone who is not me.

Cops doing traffic breaks
Fuckfaces with “student driver” stickers - go practice in a parking lot, not during commuter hours
Fuckfaces with “baby on board” stickers who drive like drunk baboons
Slow right hand turners
Shitfucks who don’t know how to merge (YOU DO IT LIKE A ZIPPER AT HIGHWAY SPEED!!)
Idiots who ride their brakes

I can probably come up with 10 more on my drive home later.
That's a pretty good list. Would like to add this. Gawddam it pisses me off when I'm trying to merge at interstate speed and the cowardly retard I'm locked behind still hasn't hit 45 at the merge point yet.
The worst stretch of interstate I’ve been on outside of big cities is between Nashville and Chattanooga. Only two lanes except at Monteagle, and there’s just an endless stream of semis taking up both lanes. I just take the state highways now. It doesn’t seem to be nearly as bad headed towards Nashville, but that’s probably because I leave so early in the morning when I make that trip
that sounds a lot like a good portion of I-71 between Cincinnati and Columbus. Makes me wanna rage shit all over my truck seat
that sounds a lot like a good portion of I-71 between Cincinnati and Columbus. Makes me wanna rage shit all over my truck seat
You should just do it.
I think you’re just making shit up to piss me off now. I ain’t reading all that. Anything after “may not, if” is likely utter horseshit.
I put on my turn signal for a lane change. You get 3 blinks. Speed up, or slow down, idgaf, I'm coming over.