IPA - Your Favorites

Voodoo Ranger is really good.....looking for new ones to try.
I'd recommend some of the variants of that as I think I've liked them all better than the original. Two Hearted from Bells is my favorite as I've probably mentioned in this thread.
Cracked open a couple of my homebrew the other day. Aroma, taste, and buzz factor are spot on. Very little carbonation though, which I kind of expected with the long conditioning time. Of course, a kegging setup would fix that, but I never pulled the trigger years ago when I brewed much more often.

Still a really good beer if I say so myself. Not quite as good as the Heady Topper clone I made last year, but better than the Pliny the Elder clone I did.
Cracked open a couple of my homebrew the other day. Aroma, taste, and buzz factor are spot on. Very little carbonation though, which I kind of expected with the long conditioning time. Of course, a kegging setup would fix that, but I never pulled the trigger years ago when I brewed much more often.

Still a really good beer if I say so myself. Not quite as good as the Heady Topper clone I made last year, but better than the Pliny the Elder clone I did.

Forgot the picture. Will go well with the brisket, along with the Woodford Reserve later.

Voodoo Ranger.....Juicy Haze preferable,

Drinking a Sierra Nevada Torpedo extra IPA right now.
Surly Furious is really good

Torpedo and Celebration (only available in the winter)from Sierra Nevada. I really liked their Ruthless Rye but haven't seen it on the shelves here for a minute. Might have been discontinued.

And fuck you Lagunitas for discontinuing Hop Stoopid. So mad I almost didn't buy a 6 pack of Maximus last week.
Upslope IPA

Looking for something new last weekend and glad I picked this. Deep amber color and packed with malts.

The redder the IPA, the more it seems to suit me anymore.
Voodoo Ranger Juice Force is amazing. Strong though at 9.5%.