Is This A Regional Thing?

That stuff will shred your colon on the exit.

I will say that I have had some of my best meals ever in Chicago, at Morton's and Weber's.
I always recommend wearing adult diapers to my friends coming in from out of town.
I've never heard of such an abomination.

There are three permissible condiments to put on a brat or hotdog:

1 - Mustard
2 - Sauerkraut
3 - Onions

If you put ketchup on a brat or hotdog, and are older than 10, kill yourself.
That dog has a Greek BBQ sauce developed for hotdogs and it's ridiculously good.
In Chicago it’s called dragged through the garden.
Can't believe people get this excited over a hot dog.

Now a corn dog...that's where it's at!

corn dogs wtf GIF by Cheezburger
So much derp in this thread

If it's not Vienna Beef, well then fuck you!
All my life it's been the norm to order a hot dog "All The Way", which means it comes with mustard, slaw, chili, and onions. The question is whether it's just a regional term or pretty much nation wide. What say you?

Definitely regional. When I moved from California to North Carolina, I attempted to order a burger. Girl asked me if I wanted it "all the way"
At that time I was really tired of all the southern redneck shit.
I can only imagine the look on my face when I told her, "no, eat half of it first"
Someone in line translated it to me.
Saif all the way meant with everything. I inquired what is eveything. They were going to put chili and cole slaw on my burger!
Imagine that shit!

I have been all around the world. Never heard that term anywhere but the South.....
The phrase "all the way" is national, but what it means is regional. I can tell by your post that you live in NC or right across the border in a neighboring state. Completely different if you lived in Chicago.

Much like saying that you're eating BBQ. You'd likely be talking about pulled pork and depending upon which part of the state of NC you live, it'll be vinegar, mustard, or ketchup based. Memphis, Texas, Kansas City, etc would all have different meat/sauce.

Then there are the psychopaths that think that BBQ is grilling hotdogs or burgers. Those people just need to jump off a cliff.

I like NC Barbecue.
In California we don't eat the barbecue!

And a grill is that flat piece of steel they use in a restaurant....
I like NC Barbecue.
In California we don't eat the barbecue!

And a grill is that flat piece of steel they use in a restaurant....

Another term I have is when we get ready to BBQ a pig we have to "dress the pig". We also "Dress the cow" or other critters. Yes, I've dressed many a squirrel. But these city folks don't know what the hell that even means.
Hot dog tip of the day: If you ever travel to Belize, do NOT eat the hot dogs at the Belize City airport. You will be projectile vomiting a short while later and running towards the front bathroom on the airplane praying you can get there before projectile vomiting everywhere and then have to wipe the vomit off of your legs and feet.

Another tip: I wouldn't recommend running towards the cockpit normally.

You're welcome.
The only thing I ever did in the Belize City Airport, or for that matter, anywhere in Belize City, was get the fuck out ASAP.
The only thing that made Belize City seem slightly better than it actually was is it wasn't Guatemala City, which was one of the only cities in my life where I've ever been truly afraid.
I like NC Barbecue.
In California we don't eat the barbecue!

And a grill is that flat piece of steel they use in a restaurant....
Everything you just said leads to additional questions. I appreciate you said you like NC BBQ, but I have doubts if you've actually had the real experience.

First, you say you like NC BBQ, but then say "In California we don't eat the barbecue" with an exclamation point. WTH does that mean? The "best" way I could take that is that you like NC BBQ, but no one else in CA likes any type of BBQ. I'm HOPING that you meant "they" and not "we". The reason I need to make a distinction is because you're claiming "we" don't eat BBQ when you should have said "they".

Then there is the last sentence where you think a grill is a flat piece of steel they use in a restaurant. I'll let a little slide, because some consider what you're inferring as a flat top grill, but most consider a grill being individual slats of metal spaced about an inch between, sitting above charcoal or a propane gas manifold.

BBQ is not a California concept......and that's okay. But whatever is tasted in CA, is not authentic BBQ.
If chili is an option.... Ketchup and chili. If it's not... Ketchup and pickles just like muh cheeseburgers.
Can't believe people get this excited over a hot dog.

Now a corn dog...that's where it's at!

corn dogs wtf GIF by Cheezburger
Corn dog slathered with mustard.
