Life questions

Honestly, I'd take the blue door.

Honestly, I'd take the blue door.


one of my mistakes was using all the computer power at my disposal at IBM to be in the top 10 in the world on WorldCommunityGrid when I could have used them to mine bitcoin in the early 2000s.

your red door is a few orders of magnitude from competing with that mistake.
I can live with my mistakes so give me the cash.
Think this one through. If you go back in time to fix all your mistakes, you must know what they were otherwise you wouldn't be able to fix them AND, if you go back in time with all your memories in tact, just think of all the great stock purchases you could make. 10 million, bah! I'll parlay that knowledge into 10 billion pretty easy and re-spend my youth banging all the super models I couldn't get because I didn't have 10 fucking billion dollars!!!!!!