Life questions

one of my mistakes was using all the computer power at my disposal at IBM to be in the top 10 in the world on WorldCommunityGrid when I could have used them to mine bitcoin in the early 2000s.

your red door is a few orders of magnitude from competing with that mistake.
Blue door because I can go back and fix those lottery ticket numbers I missed out in for the 1.5B jackpot a few weeks ago.
And they wouldn't out up a fight about it because those are the worst.

I dont mess with that coconut candy

You're right about that. The Mounds and Almond Joy's were all mine.

I had to be discreet when pinching the Kit Kat's and Reese's PB cups.
A5D is the real correct answer, but A5A would also he acceptable.

Honestly, I'd take the blue door.

While I agree you could make more by taking the blue door, you’d “butterfly effect” your whole life. Your friends, your family, your kids, everything. I’d take my life, just with $10MM more in the bank.
Sushi........ without a fucking doubt
You motherfuckers aint never had good sushi before

My nephew and I went to a local Japanese place and he got sushi. He said it was the best he has ever had so I tried one and damn near barfed all over the table.

I can't stomach raw salmon. Fuck that.
My nephew and I went to a local Japanese place and he got sushi. He said it was the best he has ever had so I tried one and damn near barfed all over the table.

I can't stomach raw salmon. Fuck that.
like I said
I'm in finance and can tell you (though it is common knowledge and you should know) that this dude is dumb as hell.

1) No one is going to give you a 2 million dollar limit lol.
2) That isn't how credit inquiries work.

4k a week is easily the best option though.
