Matthew Perry dead by apparent drowning

so basically he turned to ketamine rather than his usual.
Ketamine is being promoted as a more mainstream and recreational drug. Some want it to be even as legal as cannabis.
Seriously, you people watch Hollywood sitcoms? What’s your favorite? That one with Paulie Shore and Rosie O’Donnell?
Please tell me you made that up and it’s not a real thing
so basically he turned to ketamine rather than his usual.

Yes, but its a little complicated. Ketamine is being used more, with promising results, in treating severe depression and anxiety in a clinical environment. It was reported he was undergoing those treatments. In those clinical settings, its microdosed similar to how psilocybin (shrooms) is being used to treat severe PTSD and trauma (also with promising results). But the amount in his blood was way higher than what should be from the treatments. So I think what likely happened was he was seeing positive results from his treatments, but still having addict brain, started thinking he could self-medicate and handle more on his own. But with his heart health being damaged from his past drug use, he wasn't going to be able to handle it so it ended up causing him to have a heart attack and then drown. While some of the results in the clinical settings seem promising, I'm not sure its something you should be giving to recovering addicts for this exact reason.
I get depression is a weird thing but it's also why I'm so hesitant on medicating this shit all the time. Dude you're a successful actor. But you look like shit. Go to the gym. Get a personal trainer. Remarkably you still have absolute smoke shows wanting to be with you but if you see fat aged Matt Perry in the mirror you aren't going to love yourself when you've hit that kind of stardom.

So yea...we have so many that think some pill or injection is the key..

end soapbox rant against pharma