Get the fucking TV carts out of there. No fucking need for those fucking things out there.
Raiders have a white guy playing safety? Diversity hire?
That's game, Hendrix
Was down at the Mandalay Bay parking garage to watch the Thunderbirds fly over. Pretty cool raider fans traveled down here for a game that they couldnt even attend. Kinda nuts how many fans i saw driving around down there
saints in the record books in superdome west......first team to score a touchdown ✔️
you're so pathetic that you're now lying. this is what i said:

nowhere did i say that the Saints "won't throw the ball once", just that they have no need to

jesus christ you have shit for brains don't you Raiduh fan?

loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong night for you LMFAO!
Post #39 by you.

"LMFAO i told the Raiduh fan that the Saints don't even need to throw it once all game since the Raiduhs can't stop the run at all

he's in for a looooooooooooooooong night"
saints in the record books in superdome west......first team to score xp ✔️
LMFAO i told the Raiduh fan that the Saints don't even need to throw it once all game since the Raiduhs can't stop the run at all

he's in for a looooooooooooooooong night
Since you forgot, @droider.
What a shitshow
Nice throw and catch.
If I owned the team, my ass would be there.