Series Thread NLCS Braves vs Dodgers

We really gonna let Evan Phillips own us?
And why the team is going to rake in millions every offseason and hopefully help increase payroll
Just wait until the worst TV deal in American sports expires and the team can really cash in. Ted Turner did great things as the team owner, but he really screwed us on the way out.
Hey guys, I bet on Atlanta tonight
That's it, goddammit! I'm turning the tv on in 2 minutes if you guise don't tell me wtf is happening!!
That's it, goddammit! I'm turning the tv on in 2 minutes if you guise don't tell me wtf is happening!!
3-2 Douchebags

2 homeruns
Fried....bad time to shit the bed
Have you guys turned your underwear inside out yet?
I thought that was gone...
Gross. Why hasn't anyone set off M80's in the dodger bullpen yet? Idiots.
It’s LA, probably wouldn’t even phase them