Post the funniest CFB-related thing you've seen on the net today

criminal similar is not “the same”
So then you agree, brutally sexually assaulting an unwilling, much smaller woman is far more disgusting morally than getting into a bar fight with another willing, grown man?
It isn't an old tradition (2017), but it is one of the best traditions in sports!!!!

It isn't an old tradition (2017), but it is one of the best traditions in sports!!!!


That was a massive silver lining for me when the Hawkeyes ass-blasted the Buckeyes 55-24 in 2017. I bet there were a bunch of kids and their families that got to forget their problems for a few hours and really enjoy that game.
I mean, he brutally sexually assaulted her to the point she required counseling and was diagnosed with PTSD but you tell yourself whatever makes you feel better about your disgusting players and even more disgusting coach who would go on to name this monster a team captain. What he plead down to is irrelevant.
Are you talking about Grant Perry?

1. The incident happened in front of dozens and dozens of people in line outside a bar waiting to get inside. So no -- she wasn't "brutally sexually assaulted". I can tell you about some sexual assault cases if you'd like to help you understand what that term means.

2. He was wrong, was suspended for his actions and while his actions were wrong -- with dozens of people in line with them. There were no witnesses to corroborate this "brutal sexual assault", which is why the most severe charge he had was running from the cops.

3. Grant Perry was NEVER a captain on Michigan's Football team. I think you are thinking about Ronnie Bell. They look alike.
Are you talking about Grant Perry?

1. The incident happened in front of dozens and dozens of people in line outside a bar waiting to get inside. So no -- she wasn't "brutally sexually assaulted". I can tell you about some sexual assault cases if you'd like to help you understand what that term means.

2. He was wrong, was suspended for his actions and while his actions were wrong -- with dozens of people in line with them. There were no witnesses to corroborate this "brutal sexual assault", which is why the most severe charge he had was running from the cops.

3. Grant Perry was NEVER a captain on Michigan's Football team. I think you are thinking about Ronnie Bell. They look alike.
1. So you are calling her a liar? Her very detailed explanation was all some elaborate fabrication?
2. Was she such a good liar she somehow tricked a counselor and therapist, to the point they diagnosed her with PTSD from the experience?
3. Harbaugh named him a team captain for his final game in the Peach Bowl. Very easy to look up.
While I wouldn't be surprised to learn that you would be willing to make the picture, there's no part of me that ever considered that you're capable.
I feel like this is bait.
1. So you are calling her a liar? Her very detailed explanation was all some elaborate fabrication?
2. Was she such a good liar she somehow tricked a counselor and therapist, to the point they diagnosed her with PTSD from the experience?
3. Harbaugh named him a team captain for his final game in the Peach Bowl. Very easy to look up.
1. Yes. The bar line they were in has huge groups of people in line. It'd be physically impossible to "brutally sexually assault" anyone. With the huge group of people in line -- it comes with huge groups of eye witnesses. Guess how many came out and stood by her story? None. Yet they had eyewitnesses who told the same story as him. And before you say -- he is a football player -- this happened ON MICHIGAN STATE'S CAMPUS.

2. She wasn't diagnosed with anything. She said she had PTSD. You can say you have PTSD. I can say I have PTSD. When you want to file a lawsuit, you say you have alot of things. Doesn't change the fact the eyewitnesses said, while his actions were inappropriate, all he did was slap her ass after they argued over him cutting in line.

3. Michigan's captains are named before the season, not individual games. He may do that for all the outgoing seniors in the final game, but you can look right here at the list of Michigan captains. You won't find Grant Perry.

So then you agree, brutally sexually assaulting an unwilling, much smaller woman is far more disgusting morally than getting into a bar fight with another willing, grown man?
I think if you attacked someone in a bar or if you groped a woman in a line, that they should be punished similarly criminally.
I think if you attacked someone in a bar or if you groped a woman in a line, that they should be punished similarly criminally.
Not sure what the first part has to do with this, no OSU player "attacked" someone in a bar, but thanks for confirming your disgusting lack of morality.
1. Yes. The bar line they were in has huge groups of people in line. It'd be physically impossible to "brutally sexually assault" anyone. With the huge group of people in line -- it comes with huge groups of eye witnesses. Guess how many came out and stood by her story? None. Yet they had eyewitnesses who told the same story as him. And before you say -- he is a football player -- this happened ON MICHIGAN STATE'S CAMPUS.

2. She wasn't diagnosed with anything. She said she had PTSD. You can say you have PTSD. I can say I have PTSD. When you want to file a lawsuit, you say you have alot of things. Doesn't change the fact the eyewitnesses said, while his actions were inappropriate, all he did was slap her ass after they argued over him cutting in line.

3. Michigan's captains are named before the season, not individual games. He may do that for all the outgoing seniors in the final game, but you can look right here at the list of Michigan captains. You won't find Grant Perry.

Please provide a source that has police statements from other witnesses saying he simply slapped her ass and didn't do what she said he did. I've never seen a single thing to that effect. Also, she didn't say she diagnosed herself; she said she was diagnosed after seeking counseling and therapy. These are two very things. I've also never seen a thing about her wanting to file a lawsuit against her, so you're coming off a massive POS just like your fellow "michigan man" for brushing this aside. Don't forget - your scumbag coach invited him back to the team before the court case was even resolved.

Harbs named him a team captain for his final game. That would mean he was named a captain.
Not sure what the first part has to do with this, no OSU player "attacked" someone in a bar, but thanks for confirming your disgusting lack of morality.
Interesting opinion that brutal attacks shouldn’t be punished similarly to brutal sexual assaults
Please provide a source that has police statements from other witnesses saying he simply slapped her ass and didn't do what she said he did. I've never seen a single thing to that effect. Also, she didn't say she diagnosed herself; she said she was diagnosed after seeking counseling and therapy. These are two very things. I've also never seen a thing about her wanting to file a lawsuit against her, so you're coming off a massive POS just like your fellow "michigan man" for brushing this aside. Don't forget - your scumbag coach invited him back to the team before the court case was even resolved.

Harbs named him a team captain for his final game. That would mean he was named a captain.
I'm not chasing shit around from something that happened 7 or 8 years ago. Here is a QUOTE from the PROSECUTOR who represents the county where MSU is located:
Assistant Ingham County Prosecutor Christina Johnson on Friday described Perry's actions as a "crime of arrogance, entitlement and power," though she said she doesn't believe there was a sexual intent in what he did.

So in your eyes, he "brutally sexually assaulted" the female, but without sexual intent. :facepalm:

It would have been a complete non-issue if not for him running from the cops. That is his biggest crime. I agree wholeheartedly with the prosecutor -- he was arrogant and entitled for trying to cut in line. It was a douchebag move, but guess what...............every D1 program in the country has a team filled with arrogant and entitled kids, because they are put on a pedestal and praised like they are heroes for playing a game. They think they are above the law, which is why you see so many arrested.

As far as him being named captain -- I gave you the list of captains. If you consider honorary captains for single games are actual team captains. Does that mean Colin Kapernick was a team captain for UM? He was a captain for one game. What about Hank Aaron? He was team captain too? Michael Phelps? Rich Eisen?
I'm not chasing shit around from something that happened 7 or 8 years ago. Here is a QUOTE from the PROSECUTOR who represents the county where MSU is located:
Assistant Ingham County Prosecutor Christina Johnson on Friday described Perry's actions as a "crime of arrogance, entitlement and power," though she said she doesn't believe there was a sexual intent in what he did.

So in your eyes, he "brutally sexually assaulted" the female, but without sexual intent. :facepalm:

It would have been a complete non-issue if not for him running from the cops. That is his biggest crime. I agree wholeheartedly with the prosecutor -- he was arrogant and entitled for trying to cut in line. It was a douchebag move, but guess what...............every D1 program in the country has a team filled with arrogant and entitled kids, because they are put on a pedestal and praised like they are heroes for playing a game. They think they are above the law, which is why you see so many arrested.

As far as him being named captain -- I gave you the list of captains. If you consider honorary captains for single games are actual team captains. Does that mean Colin Kapernick was a team captain for UM? He was a captain for one game. What about Hank Aaron? He was team captain too? Michael Phelps? Rich Eisen?
Hey dumbass - its extremely common for sexual assault and r*pe cases to be non-sexual. It's about power, which was the entire theme of what the victim was getting across in her statement of what happened. If you still think she made up an incredibly detailed account of what happened, lied about counselors and therapists, and did it all for a lawsuit that she never even filed, that's extremely fucked up on your part.