Post what non-beer you're drinking


@Cobrabit you're a Renaissance man.

Leonardo Di Caprio Movie GIF by Sony
Polished off my Old Forrester BIB this afternoon and picked up a bottle of Four Roses this afternoon for next weekend. Got the wife some vodka, rum, and kahluah as well. She's been brewing coffee and freezing it into ice cubes all afternoon to use with the liquors once noon comes on Friday. It's been a while since she's wanted/planned to drink, so I'm looking forward to it as well.

good, clean livin', gotta love it.
I'm from Wisconsin. I know an Old Fashioned.

Look it up.

I like that bar. I used to be in charge of my company's booth at World Dairy Expo and always booked hotel rooms right next to the capitol. Downtown Madison is awesome and that bar is great.

To be fair I have had more Spotted Cow there than old fashioneds but they do have an impressive beer list so me drinking the one beer you have to have in Wisconsin versus their other offerings is either genius or stupidity.

Damm I'm reminiscing on fun bars right now. Covid sucks
Drinking scotch, Ardbeg Corryvreckan.
Japanese Suntory Whisky. Nice and smooth. Pretty bottle.
My standby that is always stocked.20201226_195126.jpg
Some cheap ass red wine with a screw top.
I wanna watch Raiders but the woman and our daughter wanna watch Soul so I got....View attachment 15003
Trying to finish this guy off before my detox at the start of the week.

Giving my liver a break. A nice iced tea right now.
Got some straight 'shine recently and decided to mix a few pints with blueberries and grapes that we had in the fridge. My go to recipe was for half gallons, but this blueberry ended up really smooth and tasty.

I just changed the forum title to reflect a broader range of drinks.

I just went to California and brought back a 1.75L bottle of the three-year Costco brand Scotch.

My expectations were a 6 and I'd say it's a 5. Value wise, a solid 6-7.

Anyone else tried it?