Pray for Maine - 17 dead dozens injured mass shooter at large

You Libs sure ya wanna go down the mental illness route?



"They" is hot!
Reading up on the latest, they have closed a large number of medical facilities as a precaution
Lol, I remember when those cunts stormed the capital attempting a coup and still cry about a stolen election, but are too proper to say the word fuck.

liberals screaming is worse than trying to overthrow the government, haven't you heard?
This dude is going to be found dead, offed himself right after he did these shootings. Another Brian Laundrie situation. Everyone out looking for him and he's already dead.

I am a responsible gun owner, I need no more laws.
but what about the other guy who you don't know? Do you know him to be a responsible gun owner?
One three years ago.

Wow! That should fix everything!
my point is, don't say they aren't doing anything when they actually did something.

it's more than what has been done from the other side.
This dude is going to be found dead, offed himself right after he did these shootings. Another Brian Laundrie situation. Everyone out looking for him and he's already dead.
that's what I am thinking. He's in some cabin in the Maine wilderness being eaten by a moose.