Pray for Maine - 17 dead dozens injured mass shooter at large

Because there is no law that allows them to be taken? I caught some updates before work this morning. Sounds like the assailant was a firearms instructor and had documented issues with PTSD
I know there is such a thing as Red Flag laws, but that process is damn near impossible to get through because it requires a judge to say whether the person suffers from some sort of psychological issue and needs to be protected from themselves...but "psychological issue" is not a concrete thing and therefore very difficult to really say yay or nay on.
I don't get the fixation with "everyone carries there, so someone should have got the guy"? Mass shooting have happened in pretty much every state with varying gun laws including Texas which seems to have the perception of most liberal gun laws.

All this does is add more guns to the equation
I agree.
I was in Maine last summer for a wedding and had to wait in Bangor for my aunt and cousin to land, so I decided to find a brewery and get a beer. Dude behind the bar had a pistol in his waistband and it kind of caught me offguard.

I am just saying that this was one of the best opportunities for a good guy with a gun to step up based on their model...yet no one did. So I am not sure how it helps with the "more guns is the solution" argument.
Because there is no law that allows them to be taken? I caught some updates before work this morning. Sounds like the assailant was a firearms instructor and had documented issues with PTSD

depends on the state, right? Red Flag laws should address this.
Is it a white guy with military background and PTSD? I thought @Y.O.M. lived in Philthydelphia
ass hole GIF
Lol, confirmation of PTSD?
The trauma industry trying to make a buck in this compensation culture we live in.
Every person has a traumatic event in their lives, most don't blame it on a mental disorder to mask an inability to act like a decent citizen.
Lol, confirmation of PTSD?
The trauma industry trying to make a buck in this compensation culture we live in.
Every person has a traumatic event in their lives, most don't blame it on a mental disorder to mask an inability to act like a decent citizen.
we should have just given him medication. Make him a fucking walking potato.
Lol, confirmation of PTSD?
The trauma industry trying to make a buck in this compensation culture we live in.
Every person has a traumatic event in their lives, most don't blame it on a mental disorder to mask an inability to act like a decent citizen.

show me on the doll where the bad man touched you...

doll GIF
Lol, confirmation of PTSD?
The trauma industry trying to make a buck in this compensation culture we live in.
Every person has a traumatic event in their lives, most don't blame it on a mental disorder to mask an inability to act like a decent citizen.

Spot on Brother!

This and the ever popular 'Bi-polar' conditions so prevalent lately....everyone wants to blame their faults on "something" other than the fact they may just be fucking pieces of shit.
Spot on Brother!

This and the ever popular 'Bi-polar' conditions so prevalent lately....everyone wants to blame their faults on "something" other than the fact they may just be fucking pieces of shit.

I agree it's definitely over-diagnosed. My FIL has been on some combination of Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac or other anti-anxiety medication to deal with PTSD from Vietnam, but that diagnosis discounts that he was probably a raging asshole even before going to war... so these tendencies might just be natural and not some effect of a traumatic experience.
Zoloft, Paxil or Prozac
So PTSD is depression?
The profile of post-traumatic stress disorder has risen spectacularly, and it has become the means by which people seek victim status—and its associated moral high ground—in pursuit of recognition and compensation.
Dude behind the bar had a pistol in his waistband and it kind of caught me offguard.

He's going to hit anything but his target with that pistol. He should instead have a shotgun, loaded with buckshot and within easy reach.