Pray for Maine - 17 dead dozens injured mass shooter at large

He's going to hit anything but his target with that pistol. He should instead have a shotgun, loaded with buckshot and within easy reach.
The guy barely looked capable of handling any firearm, to be honest...but alas he had one because he could and no one was going to tell him no.
So PTSD is depression?
The profile of post-traumatic stress disorder has risen spectacularly, and it has become the means by which people seek victim status—and its associated moral high ground—in pursuit of recognition and compensation.

I'll be the first to say I don't understand the broken mind. I'd guess the probability of those claiming to have some disorder is 50/50 that they actually have it rather than just claiming to have it to blame their problems on something other than themselves.
On the one hand the modernisation of society has seen a loss of the binding properties of its fabric and on the other there has been a promotion of personal rights and the language of entitlement.
Go fuck your mother, lying fag.
My mother is in coma. It would be crossing the line to fuck my mother wilst in that state otherwise I am game

now fuck off you big fat fag
On the one hand the modernisation of society has seen a loss of the binding properties of its fabric and on the other there has been a promotion of personal rights and the language of entitlement.
derp derp derp Fag
Between the number of guns in this country and the safety from others. Read what I quoted. It is right there.

I'm going to start open carrying a shotgun around. Fuck this shit.
I never said that. What I am saying is the flippant "oh another day in America" seems ignorant

I get the annoyingness of the flippant comment, but this kind of shit is happening way too often.

But, you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube, so it's fucking John Wick time. I'm going to walk around in only bulletproof clothes and armed to the fucking teeth.
I get the annoyingness of the flippant comment, but this kind of shit is happening way too often.

But, you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube, so it's fucking John Wick time. I'm going to walk around in only bulletproof clothes and armed to the fucking teeth.
No, you cant change how things are in society. Society is only going to get worse. I have carried for about 10 years. But if I were ever in a situation like what transpired last night I don't think I am going to use my weapon to take out a shooter. Defend myself? Yes.
No, you cant change how things are in society. Society is only going to get worse. I have carried for about 10 years. But if I were ever in a situation like what transpired last night I don't think I am going to use my weapon to take out a shooter. Defend myself? Yes.

and that's the great fallacy of the "good guy with a gun" BS. Very few that are carrying are going to put themselves in harms way to save anybody but their own. Oh, 20+ people were killed? I exited out the back with my family and got the fuck out of there... and that's what should happen, armed or not.
Spot on Brother!

This and the ever popular 'Bi-polar' conditions so prevalent lately....everyone wants to blame their faults on "something" other than the fact they may just be fucking pieces of shit.

Yeah, it seems that for just about any accommodation provided for those with a disability, there are people who don't need it, but will try to take advantage of it.

Service animals used to be for very specific issues (blind, some seizure disorders, etc.). Now people get them for shit like "anxiety".