Random Baseball Twitter

I don't see them using Rogers as the closer. Move Williams to closing, Rogers as setup man.
I realized that after. You can still blow saves before the 9th, though.
Hader kinda sucks now and y’all got a good haul. Could help now and down the road.

that's a stretch. yeah the 4.24 ERA is ugly but 9 of those runs came in two appearances (and only one out). He's given up 7 runs in 33.2 IP outside of those two appearances and he was having another fantastic season up until then. it doesn't take much to sink a relief pitcher's ERA.
that's a stretch. yeah the 4.24 ERA is ugly but 9 of those runs came in two appearances (and only one out). He's given up 7 runs in 33.2 IP outside of those two appearances and he was having another fantastic season up until then. it doesn't take much to sink a relief pitcher's ERA.
Unless his arm is about to fall off, it is probably a mechanical thing. If the Pads can fix it (likely), they got a stud. But they paid a price with assumption that he is already fixed.
Just bonkers

But he was a meany-head. He can’t be recognized as what he was… a top 5 player in the history of the game (probably top 2 or 3, but I will allow more wiggle room). He is evil and is the sole reason baseball is experiencing any of it’s current problems.
Arenado the other day. Ump calls a swing. Doesn't ask for help. Then decides to toss Arenado after he starts to walk away. Then the motherfucker laughs.

Arenado the other day. Ump calls a swing. Doesn't ask for help. Then decides to toss Arenado after he starts to walk away. Then the motherfucker laughs.

That’s an interesting example. Hard to tell in that shot and angle if he checked. It was very close though. And, honestly, as someone who has umped in a past life, catching a check or swing down low like that can be tricky.

Also interesting….I heard John Kruk last week suggesting (tongue in cheek) that teams should only get some many appeals the first or third ump on these things.

This wasn’t that since the plate ump rang him, but it would have been smarter for the plate ump to appeal to the base ump on that call.

Things are getting weird now. The game calling hasn’t been good, and so many players are getting so damn demonstrative. Can’t help but wonder if that’s starting to play into umps dragging out calls like this instead of doing it right.
That’s an interesting example. Hard to tell in that shot and angle if he checked. It was very close though. And, honestly, as someone who has umped in a past life, catching a check or swing down low like that can be tricky.

Also interesting….I heard John Kruk last week suggesting (tongue in cheek) that teams should only get some many appeals the first or third ump on these things.

This wasn’t that since the plate ump rang him, but it would have been smarter for the plate ump to appeal to the base ump on that call.

Things are getting weird now. The game calling hasn’t been good, and so many players are getting so damn demonstrative. Can’t help but wonder if that’s starting to play into umps dragging out calls like this instead of doing it right.
There is such a focus on bad ball/strike calls on social media that it is absolutely feeding into the animosity between players and umps on the subject.

It is a problem, but truthfully, it probably isn’t as big a problem as it is made out to be.