Random Baseball Twitter

that dude is about to get shot in the dick

My Rorschach response is that he is about to smash a beer bottle over his own head right before he gets shot in the dick. What's the diagnosis?
My Rorschach response is that he is about to smash a beer bottle over his own head right before he gets shot in the dick. What's the diagnosis?
I think he's getting robbed of his forty ozer.
My Rorschach response is that he is about to smash a beer bottle over his own head right before he gets shot in the dick. What's the diagnosis?
Are you married?
Not a tweet but did see this at the Padres-Dodgers game making fun of Tatis


This was Yu's prior start but he also reached 3,000 Ks (combined) last night, quite an accomplishment for any pitcher.

Reggie will now be accepting challenges for "Best Tweet Ever" :laugh:

If they allow this transaction to stand siblings everywhere will be at risk. Who knows what would have become of my sister if she'd grown up at Lloyd Moseby's house? :laugh:


A kid tried that eephus shit in one of our little league games a couple of weeks ago. Froze the batter the first time. dumbass tried it a second pitch in a row and my batter put it over the LF fence. :pound:

Their coach wasn't laughing and "like that??"ing me after the second one.