Stop It, White People!

On that show My Strange Addiction there was a woman who was obsessed with chewing on dirty diapers.
Disgusted Emma Stone GIF
On that show My Strange Addiction there was a woman who was obsessed with chewing on dirty diapers.

The last time I shared an unbelievable Reddit story (dude listening to sound proof headphones…) I got online bullied and ridiculed for 3 + years @Guy Incognito but I’m over it so here’s another one:

bottom line --- I Love being a white guy in his 60's
I did alot, worked alot, saw alot of the world,I heard alot,did alot, and still have alot more ta do
Life is Great

and I am doing it as a white male above the age 60
bottom line --- I Love being a white guy in his 60's
I did alot, worked alot, saw alot of the world,I heard alot,did alot, and still have alot more ta do
Life is Great

and I am doing it as a white male above the age 60
and stayed humble throughout. you didn't even once mention how many soiled diapers you suck on a day. hero.

its a meal thaaang then

meatloaf covered in tomater sauce
smashed taters an gravy
2 or 3 slices of home made bread and real butter
a nice chocolate cake slice fer dessert
That abomination has been posted and you are banned from this thread for a week as punishment for putting us through that horror again.
Hmm, but I think I posted it most likely :)