The Pun Thread

It's a 5 minute walk from my house to the bar. It's a 45 minutes walk from the bar to my house.

The difference is staggering.
Did you know the word incorrectly is spelled incorrectly in every English dictionary?
I had a crazy dream last night! I was swimming in an ocean of orange soda. Turns out it was just a Fanta sea.
Two windmills are standing in a wind farm. One asks, “What’s your favorite kind of music?” The other says, “I’m a big metal fan.”
I asked my wife if I'm the only one she has ever been with.
She said yes.
The rest were either nines or tens.
Need an ark to save two of every animal? I noah guy.
The other day, I was hit in the head by a can of Coke

Good thing it was a soft drink.
I started a company selling land mines disguised as prayer mats.

Prophets are going through the roof.
I have a few jokes about unemployed people, but none of them work.