TV Series The Queen's Gambit

People were talking this up, so I finally had the time to watch it this week annnnd I was ultimately let down. Might sound strange, but I thought it would have more to do with her growth throughout playing chess and her rise, which it did have a lot of, but for as much as it was about chess, it felt like it was equally about addiction/ drug and drinking abuse. I enjoy chess and even taught my 5 and 8yo to play - but I was hoping for more... or a little different I guess.
Your review sucks.
Your review sucks.
I've watched it twice. It's amazing.

I never learned to play chess, so it was really interesting all the details.

Anyone that actually can play chess able to track how legit any of the sequences were (and yeah, I realize it's scripted).
The reviews from Chess GMs on twitch confirmed accuracy.
I've watched it twice. It's amazing.

I never learned to play chess, so it was really interesting all the details.

Anyone that actually can play chess able to track how legit any of the sequences were (and yeah, I realize it's scripted).

The reviews from Chess GMs on twitch confirmed accuracy.

The show used/replayed actual historical games played between Grandmasters.
Garry Kasparov was a consultant to ensure accuracy. He was the number 1 player in the world from '84 until he retired in '05.

I enjoy playing chess myself, but don't get many opportunities to do so, as very few I know play. I'm no where near good enough to compete in tournaments, but do enjoy working through some puzzles and the occasional online game.

My son was interested in learning a year ago or so, but it faded. He's recently been interested in Texas Holdem and I've been teaching him how to play, along with my daughter. May be time to see if they'd like to take another look at chess seeing they'll be turning 8 and 6 soon.

I imagine with the popularity of the series, chess sets may be a popular gift for Christmas.
Apparently, chess has blown up during the pandemic. People watching other people play online is wildly popular.

This show is on my list for sure. The premise sounds cool and the lead actress seems interesting.
Apparently, chess has blown up during the pandemic. People watching other people play online is wildly popular.

This show is on my list for sure. The premise sounds cool and the lead actress seems interesting.

Chess has been getting more popular the last few years from what I've seen, but it and a lot of board games and puzzles got more popular, especially over the first few months of "lockdowns". This was the Tiger King, no toilet paper, and banana bread making weeks.

My wife's family always had bookcases full of board games they'd play all the time and we've got our own closet full as well. Don't play as much as we'd like to now, but still probably more often than most. My kids love playing poker though, so we break out the chips once a week.
I've watched it twice. It's amazing.

I never learned to play chess, so it was really interesting all the details.

Anyone that actually can play chess able to track how legit any of the sequences were (and yeah, I realize it's scripted).

Garry Kasparov was a consultant to ensure accuracy. He was the number 1 player in the world from '84 until he retired in '05.

I enjoy playing chess myself, but don't get many opportunities to do so, as very few I know play. I'm no where near good enough to compete in tournaments, but do enjoy working through some puzzles and the occasional online game.

My son was interested in learning a year ago or so, but it faded. He's recently been interested in Texas Holdem and I've been teaching him how to play, along with my daughter. May be time to see if they'd like to take another look at chess seeing they'll be turning 8 and 6 soon.

I imagine with the popularity of the series, chess sets may be a popular gift for Christmas.
I've read a few reviews from professional chess players, including Grand Masters and all have said the chess sequences were very accurate, and the "feel" and atmosphere of the matches was very faithful to how it really is.
People were talking this up, so I finally had the time to watch it this week annnnd I was ultimately let down. Might sound strange, but I thought it would have more to do with her growth throughout playing chess and her rise, which it did have a lot of, but for as much as it was about chess, it felt like it was equally about addiction/ drug and drinking abuse. I enjoy chess and even taught my 5 and 8yo to play - but I was hoping for more... or a little different I guess.
I think much of the popularity is due to the series not focusing solely on chess.
And despite the Soviet connection, the show wasn't overtly political, which I appreciated.
Rare these days.
I think much of the popularity is due to the series not focusing solely on chess.
And despite the Soviet connection, the show wasn't overtly political, which I appreciated.
Rare these days.
I would agree with the second sentence, but as for the first... that was what I was looking forward to lol. Hence my opinion of the show.
Great show.

Couldn't help but think about LoC getting owned, though :pound:
I'd tap that.


Not sure I see her playing black though...
And Nature. It's a powerful combo, totally what she would go for.
And Nature. It's a powerful combo, totally what she would go for.
I see her more of a blue with the counter spells and whatnot.
I see her more of a blue with the counter spells and whatnot.
Nah, she's dark. She watched her dad leave and her mom kill herself.
Nah, she's dark. She watched her dad leave and her mom kill herself.
but I don't see her as a soul sucking, life stealing type that you see with a black deck.

Chess is more of a set a trap and let the other player fall into it, which I see as more of a blue kind of thing.