tOfficial Night Shift Thread v59 - Now with less Reluctant Leaders

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When it came time to remodel the family room, I purchased an air compressor and a nail gun. Damned glad I did.
Is that Damon on the right?
Damon is on the right. Mike'l is on the left. Parker Gabriel on the left in the green. Mike Sautter in the black on the right. Steve Warren in the red on the left.
I keep 2 fishing poles and fishing gear in my car trunk at all times. I can go freshwater or saltwater within a few miles of each other at any time.
Certainly you are fully licensed for both types?
Fuckin' A, man. Even have a crab endorsement for dungeness crab.
Every summer I get a one-week freshwater license for when I'm at Lake George, and it always comes with a free year of saltwater fishing, so I can use it locally the rest of the season.
Damon is on the right. Mike'l is on the left. Parker Gabriel on the left in the green. Mike Sautter in the black on the right. Steve Warren in the red on the left.
He lives! And has become a fashion icon.
2/10, team board plz
jon stewart middle finger GIF
Damon is on the right. Mike'l is on the left. Parker Gabriel on the left in the green. Mike Sautter in the black on the right. Steve Warren in the red on the left.
I'll take "People I have no idea who they are" for $500
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