tOfficial Night Shift Thread v59 - Now with less Reluctant Leaders

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The american political system in gif format.

Spider Man Reaction GIF
Still waitin fer muh fng beer, Cleetus.

You need to be looking for a fucking sodoku puzzle or something to help your brain health, not your 16th beer on a weeknight.
You need to be looking for a fucking sodoku puzzle or something to help your brain health, not your 16th beer on a weeknight.
sodoku? dahell? Speak fng allybammy English fer crissake.

I kinda lost count after 8 or 9 ... you're off, I bet.
I have had great success tearing out skin tags in the past around my armpits. I've probably torn out 10 of them over the last five years or so. Right now, I have a skin tag that is dangerously close to the junk section. I'm contemplating tearing that cocksucker out by hand, but, I feel that before I engage in such a rash decision, I should defer to some real world experts; namely, the people who post in the NS thread -- I have close to 100% confidence that you cocksuckers will offer up the best in real world advice (I mean, that's only if you can somehow justify that 0.06% is somehow in agreement with one hundred percent; but I digress).

So, should I tug out a skin tag with a pair of tweezers amd a nail clipper, or, should I act like a faggoty pussy and see a so called trained pro and get them to do a simple procedure because they're the so called, "experts"?
So, should I tug out a skin tag with a pair of tweezers amd a nail clipper, or, should I act like a faggoty pussy and see a so called trained pro and get them to do a simple procedure because they're the so called, "experts"?
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