tOfficial Night Shift Thread v59 - Now with less Reluctant Leaders

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@Dole ver 2.0


This pumpkin sucks. Dry er some shit? It' wanting to scratch out big chunks fer whatever reason.

I'm also sick of it. Not done, but fer now.
Well she's a self-described Karen and every Karen has that cut or else they aren't a Karen.
So you've never been ambushed by an Incognito Karen? You have much to learn, Young One.
Oh, wait... I meant 1000. Well fuck, now it's 1001.
disappointed bummer GIF
VP: "I need our long-term strategic often do we do these?"
Me: "we do one every four years, here's the current version"
VP: "the person that requested it from me wants to know if we have a policy that states we do these at least every two years?"
Me: "no, we do them every four years, that's what makes them a long-term strategic plan"
VP: "can you look and see if we have a policy that says we do them every two years?"
Me: <kabloooie>
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