tOfficial "Say something negative about the last person who posted" thread

Can only manage to jerk it while thinking about Don King.
Fell off the toilet trying to give himself a blumpkin.
All his dreams a super gay.
Was extremely disappointed when he found out "Supersize Me", wasn't a pron with really fat chicks.
He never tightens his helmet when he rides his moped to the liquor store.
You can by the way he uses his walk, he’s not a woman’s man.
He's the only person on the planet who thinks "Staying Alive" was better than "Saturday Night Fever."
Was overly excited when he heard part of his toilet was called the ball cock.
Swore that he would never convert to the metric system until he considered penis length.

Now he can boast that he's almost 8 cm long.
Measures genital size by hands but has only used it on horses and one midget that lives in Dallas.
People know him as the drunk magician because he turned his car into a tree.
When he went on a first date he went shaking worse than a dog trying to shit a persimmon seed.
Can only shit if there is eye contact.
Habitually looks thru glory holes.
Uses "Ring of Fire" as his glory hole walk up song.