tOfficial "Say something negative about the last person who posted" thread

Is still convinced that fidget spinners will make a comeback.
Went to the NAMBLA convention as a child and was so fugly he didn’t get so much as a handshake.
He caught a concert from KISS when they came thru Vegas. As soon as he saw Gene Simmons backstage he asked him, "Hey dude, you got any "Grey Poupon?"
Crawls into the backseat to order at the drive thru window.
Auditions to be in the next Jardiance commercial for anyone who will watch.
Still spooges himself whenever he hears Wilford Brimley say "diabeetus".
Wants to have a sponge bath with Richard Simmons.
Doesn’t put the lotion on the skin.

Cuz he wants the hose.
Thinks “Burning Love” by Elvis is a song about STDs.