tOfficial "Say something negative about the last person who posted" thread

Still wears Velcro sneakers.
Wears black dress sock with sandals.
Still can’t believe it’s not butter.
Created a rating chart for best tasting toilet paper, in his own opinion.
Lives in Houston
Thinks strippers actually like him.
Can't even get a stripper to talk to him.
Thought he could use Monopoly money on strippers.
Some folks call it a sling blade, he calls it a kaiser blade mmmhmm.
Is upset that 70’s style bush has not come back in style with the ladies.
Thinks about other guy’s bushes.
Keeps getting caught in the neighbor’s bushes.
Keeps getting caught on the neighbor's deck.
Keeps getting caught with the neighbors’s cat.
Doesn't mind getting sloppy seconds with the neighbor's cat.
eats asparagus just to smell his own pee in the shower
Thinks Fleetwood Mac is some kind of cross promotion between Cadillac and McDonald's.
Eats macaroni because it feels phallic to him
Always carries a cucumber around, but not in a conventional way