tReal Official Night Shift v67 powered by BitVCash and Spontaneous Dance Parties

Drunk On One GIF
My 100,000% guaranteed weight loss program:

Take the fucking fork outta your damn mouth and stop stuffing your fucking face.
If my son ever did that, my daughter would be an only child

I loved him so much for it.
He came up with it all on his own, which made it even better, because I could just sit back and laugh, and laugh, and laugh, and mock my brother, and tell the kid, "way to go!"and have 0 responsibility for it.
Imagining my brother screaming like a girl ... ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

(FTR - He is almost 6 years older than I, so when he was a very, very angry teenager of 13-14, I was all of about 8. He didn't stop beating the shit out of me until I learned where to kick him.)