Washington Supreme Court denies review of Pac-12

"derp OSU/WSU will take all the TV revenue"


Retard_Alert has officially surrendered

Derp. Once again proving you cannot read or comprehend.

I've clearly stated that WSU/OSU could decide to distribute partial or none.
The over $ Half Billion will go to the PAC.

It will be distributed the way OSU/WSU decide. Could be partial or none.
I literally just showed you that in the PAC By-Laws, but you continue to :lalala:

Watch and Learn

WSU and OSU are already blocking ALL of the traditional mid-term media revenue payments.
"bUt ThEy CaN't dO ThAT" - mjf

Yes they can, you flaming idiot. They already are.

PROOF>>> Pac-12 Schools Missing Out on $61M Revenue Distribution

The By-Laws say the PAC can keep ALL of a departing members media rights distributions. You've been provided that information NUMEROUS times.

The next step for WSU and OSU is to remove the other 8 departing members from the board room per the By-Laws. Just like USC/UCLA were removed over a year ago (with Oregon's blessing) when they announced their departure.

Once WSU and OSU are the only two board members they'll make ALL of the decisions for the PAC going forward. First things first is to pay any liabilities. After that they'll decide on distribution penalties for the 10 departing members. That could be partial distribution or NONE.
Per the By-Laws they can keep ALL of it.

I get that you have sand in your vagina over this and opt to attack the messenger who's providing you information directly from the PAC By-Laws (that Oregon signed off on), and the Supreme Courts determination.

Oregon and the other 9 have zero voice going forward. WSU/OSU have sole control of the entire PAC operation to include revenue distributions.


Yeah. Tim Montemayor is wrong on a couple issues. I'm guessing he hasn't read the By-Laws.

He opens the show saying the Supreme Court has handed control to WSU/OSU. That is not the case. Not 'yet' anyway.

USC/UCLA/Colorado were kicked off the board by Kliavkoff and the other 9 remaining members. They were literally outvoted.
At this point the lower court simply ruled that any decisions regarding the PAC now have to have unanimous vote.
If WSU/OSU attempt to remove the last 7 departing members from the board, then one of those departing members simply has to say "NAY".
i.e. WSU/OSU are likely going to have to get another court ruling to enforce the removal those remaining members from the board per the By-Laws.
"Additionally, if a member delivers notice of withdrawal in violation of this chapter, the member’s representative to the CEO Group shall automatically cease to be a member of the CEO Group and shall cease to have the right to vote on any matter before the CEO Group."

He then goes on to say that WSU/OSU control the PAC 12 brand, the PAC 12 assets and cash. He then goes on to say WSU/OSU "Need to give the revenue earned by the exiting 10 members through this calendar year/through this academic year, you need to give that money to them."

Errr, no they don't. The By-Laws clearly state......
"the Conference shall be entitled to retain all the media and sponsorship rights in the multi-player video distribution (MPVD) and telecommunications/wireless categories of the member purporting to withdraw through August 1, 2024"

Therefore, they will likely be back in court for the judge to ultimately enforce that provision too. It'll then be up to WSU/OSU to decide how much (if any) revenue will be distributed to the 10 departing schools.

As he stated in the opening of the podcast, the 10 departing members have no leg to stand on. However, they'll continue to piss away legal fees unless their atty's are honest and tell them they're gonna lose, which we know they won't because they didn't tell them they'd lose the first time. Those atty's will gladly take the legal fees of the 10 departing members to argue a losing case.

Kliavkoff and the remaining 7 departing member set the precedence for their own treatment a year ago when they voted on USC/UCLA, and then on Colorado.

They are correct in that Kliavkoff will be shown the door once WSU/OSU get the remaining 7 departing members removed from the board since he has been an ally to said 7 departing members throughout the collapse.
Yeah. Tim Montemayor is wrong on a couple issues. I'm guessing he hasn't read the By-Laws.

He opens the show saying the Supreme Court has handed control to WSU/OSU. That is not the case. Not 'yet' anyway.

USC/UCLA/Colorado were kicked off the board by Kliavkoff and the other 9 remaining members. They were literally outvoted.
At this point the lower court simply ruled that any decisions regarding the PAC now have to have unanimous vote.
If WSU/OSU attempt to remove the last 7 departing members from the board, then one of those departing members simply has to say "NAY".
i.e. WSU/OSU are likely going to have to get another court ruling to enforce the removal those remaining members from the board per the By-Laws.
"Additionally, if a member delivers notice of withdrawal in violation of this chapter, the member’s representative to the CEO Group shall automatically cease to be a member of the CEO Group and shall cease to have the right to vote on any matter before the CEO Group."

He then goes on to say that WSU/OSU control the PAC 12 brand, the PAC 12 assets and cash. He then goes on to say WSU/OSU "Need to give the revenue earned by the exiting 10 members through this calendar year/through this academic year, you need to give that money to them."

Errr, no they don't. The By-Laws clearly state......
"the Conference shall be entitled to retain all the media and sponsorship rights in the multi-player video distribution (MPVD) and telecommunications/wireless categories of the member purporting to withdraw through August 1, 2024"

Therefore, they will likely be back in court for the judge to ultimately enforce that provision too. It'll then be up to WSU/OSU to decide how much (if any) revenue will be distributed to the 10 departing schools.

As he stated in the opening of the podcast, the 10 departing members have no leg to stand on. However, they'll continue to piss away legal fees unless their atty's are honest and tell them they're gonna lose, which we know they won't because they didn't tell them they'd lose the first time. Those atty's will gladly take the legal fees of the 10 departing members to argue a losing case.

Kliavkoff and the remaining 7 departing member set the precedence for their own treatment a year ago when they voted on USC/UCLA, and then on Colorado.

They are correct in that Kliavkoff will be shown the door once WSU/OSU get the remaining 7 departing members removed from the board since he has been an ally to said 7 departing members throughout the collapse.
I do think they are going to have to be reasonable in how they determine the amounts of distributions. I don't think they can just say, we run the joint now, we are taking all the money.

That said, there are going to be a ton of valid and legal reasons to hold money back. Above I mentioned the future contingent liabilities of the House case, and the $50 million each team owes to the PACN media partner. There are more general costs - all costs associated with trying to figure out how to keep the conference alive, or the opposite - costs associated with shutting down the conference. Those will be in the tens of millions of dollars and there is no reason that OSU and WSU would be expected to carry that burden alone. So, they will be able to hold most of that money back and say you might get some in the future, but let's see how some of these future liabilities shake out before we do it.
I do think they are going to have to be reasonable in how they determine the amounts of distributions. I don't think they can just say, we run the joint now, we are taking all the money.

That said, there are going to be a ton of valid and legal reasons to hold money back. Above I mentioned the future contingent liabilities of the House case, and the $50 million each team owes to the PACN media partner. There are more general costs - all costs associated with trying to figure out how to keep the conference alive, or the opposite - costs associated with shutting down the conference. Those will be in the tens of millions of dollars and there is no reason that OSU and WSU would be expected to carry that burden alone. So, they will be able to hold most of that money back and say you might get some in the future, but let's see how some of these future liabilities shake out before we do it.

Just sayin' the By--Laws say the PAC can keep it all. Whether they do is yet to be seen.

First thing's first is removing the other 7 from further board meetings.That's likely going to court which the 7 departing will lose.
Do you even contract law, bro?
Quit pretending you do. If you did you wouldn’t have that much confidence when specifically the judge said if Oregon State and Washington State try to pull anything they can come back to the court for a hearing.
Yeah. Tim Montemayor is wrong on a couple issues. I'm guessing he hasn't read the By-Laws.

He opens the show saying the Supreme Court has handed control to WSU/OSU. That is not the case. Not 'yet' anyway.

USC/UCLA/Colorado were kicked off the board by Kliavkoff and the other 9 remaining members. They were literally outvoted.
At this point the lower court simply ruled that any decisions regarding the PAC now have to have unanimous vote.
If WSU/OSU attempt to remove the last 7 departing members from the board, then one of those departing members simply has to say "NAY".
i.e. WSU/OSU are likely going to have to get another court ruling to enforce the removal those remaining members from the board per the By-Laws.
"Additionally, if a member delivers notice of withdrawal in violation of this chapter, the member’s representative to the CEO Group shall automatically cease to be a member of the CEO Group and shall cease to have the right to vote on any matter before the CEO Group."

He then goes on to say that WSU/OSU control the PAC 12 brand, the PAC 12 assets and cash. He then goes on to say WSU/OSU "Need to give the revenue earned by the exiting 10 members through this calendar year/through this academic year, you need to give that money to them."

Errr, no they don't. The By-Laws clearly state......
"the Conference shall be entitled to retain all the media and sponsorship rights in the multi-player video distribution (MPVD) and telecommunications/wireless categories of the member purporting to withdraw through August 1, 2024"

Therefore, they will likely be back in court for the judge to ultimately enforce that provision too. It'll then be up to WSU/OSU to decide how much (if any) revenue will be distributed to the 10 departing schools.

As he stated in the opening of the podcast, the 10 departing members have no leg to stand on. However, they'll continue to piss away legal fees unless their atty's are honest and tell them they're gonna lose, which we know they won't because they didn't tell them they'd lose the first time. Those atty's will gladly take the legal fees of the 10 departing members to argue a losing case.

Kliavkoff and the remaining 7 departing member set the precedence for their own treatment a year ago when they voted on USC/UCLA, and then on Colorado.

They are correct in that Kliavkoff will be shown the door once WSU/OSU get the remaining 7 departing members removed from the board since he has been an ally to said 7 departing members throughout the collapse.
From what I've watched so far is these guys are voicing their opinions rather than presenting facts.

I'm interested in learning what the facts are since I've been a PAC fan for the past 50 years.

I've seen the PAC8, then the PAC12 and now the PAC2.

I think with this ruling it paves the way for OSU and WSU to not only have sole control of the conference but to have the opportunity to keep the PAC a P5 conference and bring other teams into being a G5 team.

Granite what does the Mountain West bring to the table?

For one if they join the PAC they might be able to recruit blue chip players within their respective states and enhance their programs more.

As far as giving the departed teams part of the 50 or 60 million that they have control of....I hope OSU and WSU make the other programs squirm a bit.
From what I've watched so far is these guys are voicing their opinions rather than presenting facts.

I'm interested in learning what the facts are since I've been a PAC fan for the past 50 years.

I've seen the PAC8, then the PAC12 and now the PAC2.

I think with this ruling it paves the way for OSU and WSU to not only have sole control of the conference but to have the opportunity to keep the PAC a P5 conference and bring other teams into being a G5 team.

Granite what does the Mountain West bring to the table?

For one if they join the PAC they might be able to recruit blue chip players within their respective states and enhance their programs more.

As far as giving the departed teams part of the 50 or 60 million that they have control of....I hope OSU and WSU make the other programs squirm a bit.

First things first....

Remove the final 7 departing members from the board. Those 7 still have votes and the initial TRO says it takes a unanimous vote for anything to pass. The remaining 7 departing members are not gonna voluntarily leave the board. They will vote against any such proposal by WSU/OSU.
It's going to take a court order which per the By-Laws WSU/OSU will get.
Once the 7 departing members are removed then WSU/OSU will have sole control to determine distribution of assets (if any).
First things first....

Remove the final 7 departing members from the board. Those 7 still have votes and the initial TRO says it takes a unanimous vote for anything to pass. The remaining 7 departing members are not gonna voluntarily leave the board. They will vote against any such proposal by WSU/OSU.
It's going to take a court order which per the By-Laws WSU/OSU will get.
Once the 7 departing members are removed then WSU/OSU will have sole control to determine distribution of assets (if any).
Makes complete sense....

Let's define assets....

What assets will the PAC bring to the table?

Is it TV Revenue, Advertising and or Merchandizing.....
@Red_Alert Does the MWC have assets that will replace any assets the PAC loses?

I wouldn't think so.

The MWC Network went defunct in 2012.

After July 1, 2024 the PAC won't even have a media rights contract. Anything regarding revenue beyond that date would be pure speculation.
From what I've watched so far is these guys are voicing their opinions rather than presenting facts.

I'm interested in learning what the facts are since I've been a PAC fan for the past 50 years.

I've seen the PAC8, then the PAC12 and now the PAC2.

I think with this ruling it paves the way for OSU and WSU to not only have sole control of the conference but to have the opportunity to keep the PAC a P5 conference and bring other teams into being a G5 team.

Granite what does the Mountain West bring to the table?

For one if they join the PAC they might be able to recruit blue chip players within their respective states and enhance their programs more.

As far as giving the departed teams part of the 50 or 60 million that they have control of....I hope OSU and WSU make the other programs squirm a bit.
It gives them room to work, but the P5 designation is gone. No matter how they reconfigure it, they will have G5 level teams. There is a reason that OSU and WSU got left behind.

But the PAC branding might have some value, and it might make sense for the Mountain West to become the PAC. They won't keep the Rose Bowl affiliation (that's gone already in the 12-team CFP), or their network, but that still might have value. The money they have coming in this year and in future years might give them the ability to recruit their region better and be the one conference that gets a team in many years.
The main asset through July 1, 2024 will be $ Half Billion in media revenue.
Which is basically worthless at this point as that just covers spring sports.
It gives them room to work, but the P5 designation is gone. No matter how they reconfigure it, they will have G5 level teams. There is a reason that OSU and WSU got left behind.

But the PAC branding might have some value, and it might make sense for the Mountain West to become the PAC. They won't keep the Rose Bowl affiliation (that's gone already in the 12-team CFP), or their network, but that still might have value. The money they have coming in this year and in future years might give them the ability to recruit their region better and be the one conference that gets a team in many years.
Don't they (PAC2) have two years to prove they are worthy to keep their P5 status?

On that note....

Has the NCAA declared if they will replace the PAC conference with another conference to keep the P5 status in place or go to a P4 status?

IMO the more the better....as this creates more $$$$
Which is basically worthless at this point as that just covers spring sports.
If only WSU and OSU profit from the half billion doesn't that add to their bottom line and then at that point aren't they free to jump to another conference and make that much more?

Basically they don't have to split that money do they?
The last teams to leave the PAC make the most money right?
Both OSU and WSU stand the chance of now becoming the elite teams of the PAC and playing in CFP....

They should try and take advantage of this.....just saying.
Don't they (PAC2) have two years to prove they are worthy to keep their P5 status?

On that note....

Has the NCAA declared if they will replace the PAC conference with another conference to keep the P5 status in place or go to a P4 status?

IMO the more the better....as this creates more $$$$

They have 2 years to remain an FBS conference once they drop below 8 teams.
i.e. They have 2 years from July 1st 2024 to get back to 8 teams.

P5 is meaningless. G5 conferences are also FBS.
WSU/OSU will remain eligible for the CFP for those 2 years, but so does every G5.
WSU/OSU will remain eligible for the CFP for those 2 years.
They should schedule all non conference games between the both of them against weak teams and go undefeated...

That should land them in the CFP....lol

Anyways....I hope the PAC comes out smelling like Roses and can entice programs that keep the PAC alive.