Who here has had Covid-19?

My wife is the office manager of a Medical Lab that process the tests for Covid-19. They are not the folks administering the tests. They are the folks that process them and determine if the person has it.

Since this all began, way back in the later part of January till now, they have been working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week processing the results of all those fucking tests! My wife is making more money than she has ever made...working more hours and plus they gave a huge raise too.

Meanwhile my lazy ass has been sitting at home, smoking weed and doing absolutely nothing of any value....hahaha!

But to answer the OP question...Nah....Nope, don't know of anyone that has this spamdemic.
I was tested a while back and it came back negative. The test wasn’t thorough enough to tell if I had any antibodies or not.
I have not. I don't know anyone who has had it or even died from it. But I had to take my Mom to the doctor yesterday. The two girls at the front door had to take our temperature to allow admittance. But she also asked several questions. One in particular was "Have you experienced a sore throat?" which I hadn't heard about Covid causing a sore throat or it being a symptom. So it gave me pause. It's like going to the doctor for an ingrown toenail and them asking, "Does it burn when you pee?".
100% convinced I had it at the end of February.Had Fever, Chills, and I dry coughed for like a month straight.
my wife has friends who have had people die from it.

one of her close friends mother was in ICU for a while but i think she is home now.
I had it, so did my brother, little cousin and grandparents. I didn't feel too bad and have felt 10x worse from the seasonal flue.

I never had a fever, cough or trouble breathing. Basically felt like bad allergies.
My brother and sister-in-law caught it during Mardi Gras. They didn't have bad symptoms. One of the groomsmen from my brother's wedding had it too, same deal. They all say that their Fitbit trackers show unexpected tachycardia.

Woman I went to high school with had it, had pretty rough symptoms, still experiences shortness of breath.

Another guy I used to hang out with, his dad caught it, spent almost a month in a coma, and beat it. Not sure how he is doing now.
I don't think I've had it, but I've never been tested. Never had a reason to be.
I had it, so did my brother, little cousin and grandparents. I didn't feel too bad and have felt 10x worse from the seasonal flue.

I never had a fever, cough or trouble breathing. Basically felt like bad allergies.
I have been wondering, at least in the south with all the pollen, how many had it, had symptoms, but just chalked it up to seasonal allergies.
One guy I went o high school with got it and was fucked up. He was on a vent for 5 weeks and almost died a couple times. He has about 40% of his previous lung capacity, and they think he has an enlarged heart. dude had no health issues before, and had to learn how to walk again after getting off the vent. he will never be the same, but still alive.

A client of mine had it bad and was in the hospital for a few weeks. He never went on the vent, but was really close for a while. He has been out of the hospital for a couple weeks, but still fighting pneumonia and has one of those portable oxygen machines.