Who here has had Covid-19?

I ate dinner at the same table right next to a college age kid that tested positive the next day after getting sick latter that night. I had to get tested (which was negative) and that took 5 days. When the results were told to me I was informed I would have to stay home a total of 14 days and I laughed at them. I wasn't going to stay home any longer...screw that.
One guy I went o high school with got it and was fucked up. He was on a vent for 5 weeks and almost died a couple times. He has about 40% of his previous lung capacity, and they think he has an enlarged heart. dude had no health issues before, and had to learn how to walk again after getting off the vent. he will never be the same, but still alive.

A client of mine had it bad and was in the hospital for a few weeks. He never went on the vent, but was really close for a while. He has been out of the hospital for a couple weeks, but still fighting pneumonia and has one of those portable oxygen machines.
This is what worries me if I were to get it. I was on a ventilator. Not good. I don't think I will survive it again without the need for the bottle.
Yeah, musician friends of mine, both in their late 20s with symptoms that kept them bedridden for a few days. The female one still hasn't gotten her voice back 4 weeks later
Know a few that had it. Pretty minor generally speaking. They felt like hell for about a week. Then better.

We’ve often wondered if it went through here in mid to late Jan as more than half the family had a cold with a bad cough. Only the 10 year old popped a fever and tested negative for flu and strep. So they just shrugged and sent us on our way. She was fine in a few more days.
My girls cousin had it so she went around to everyone in the family and spit into our mouths, herd immunity en sech.
I died in early FEB 2020 and came back.
I know a few people that had it. Most had mild to little symptoms. My coworker's brother worked as a bartender after the bars were reopened. Wore no mask and caught it at the bar. He passed it on to his parents and dad wound up in the hospital. He is home now and recovered.
My cousin is a nurse. Her friends went to get tested. Filled out paperwork and waited 2-3 hours, didn’t end up getting tested and then bailed. Got the paperwork back in the mail that they all tested positive.

yeah that happened
I'm way behind.

Think I've only got COVID-15.
You mean that fake cold thing? Psshhhh. Sheeple.
I think there is a good chance my wife and I had it but will never know. I rarely ever get sick, but I had two colds in three weeks in late February/ early March. My wife had a cold in the middle. My second cold was worse and matched up with a lot of the symptoms. We both flew to DC separately prior to her cold. Could be a total coincidence but certainly seems suspect.
Can someone translate this?
Well she had people die from it...

Maybe his wife's friend is a mafia boss and had them whacked?!?!?!
Here on Vancouver Island, we've been fairly free of the Covid. My wife did have one of her co-workers die from covid, but she worked in an office in a different part of the province.
Well she had people die from it...

Maybe his wife's friend is a mafia boss and had them whacked?!?!?!
If I was a mafia boss and my thugs got the 'Rona I would have them whacked, so that makes sense.
I mean, what if they blabbed while delirious with fever.
came back from Japan in January - just before quarantine.
I was on a flight from Okinawa to Tokyo with a lot of Chinese and tourists who had been to Taiwan.
I had a lot of the symptoms and generally felt like shit for a month.
I got tested in April. Negative but I'm pretty sure I had it in January......
Not tested, but my wife, middle boy, and I were all sick with an unknown virus late December - mid January.

She had a terrible cough right before New Years and felt bad. Couple weeks later my son had a 103.5 degree fever. Doctor tested for strep and flu and it was neither but she said "I'm not sure what it is. It's not the flu or strep, but it's a virus of some nature." She treated it like a flu and prescribed as such.

A few days later I had mild symptoms more like a cold with low grade fever and no taste. I remember the taste problem because wife made a huge pot of soup and I couldn't taste it but kept eating it for the warmth.

The other 2 boys never had symptoms, which I thought strange because I caught my youngest accidentally drinking my Coke by mistake and was certain he was going to get it as well. He never got sick.

I think we had it.
I've seen several people that thought they may have had it because of some bad illness they had last winter that went on to get an antibody test. All of them came up negative. I think KT on the other board had a similar experience.

Remember, back in March/April you couldn't get a test unless you were sick enough to need medical attention, and had symptoms enough to possibly be Covid. Many were also giving flu tests prior to Covid to rule that out BEFORE you could take a covid test. Even under THOSE extreme conditions, only 6-8% of the tests coming back in our state (where the above was for sure the policy) were positive.

This means the overwhelming odds are against anyone that wasn't tested as actually having had it. Last winter was a terrible cold/flu season with several strains of bad shit going around. I had something bad in January, but I'd bet it wasn't Covid.

An ex-GF of mine had it (she's a nurse so yeah) and of course people at the hospital I work for have had it, and at least one died from it. I do not have any close family or friends that have had it.
I have a feeling many testing positive in FL are already on the 2nd trip. When I tested positive for anitibodies in May, after everyone had it in late January, the MD said I shouldn't expect them to be any good for more than 6 months. The antibodies go away and the virus changes, too.

This is with us now forever. There's now an A, B and C flu to avoid or deal with every season. Or maybe it'll just magically disappear all of a sudden like the Spanish Flu...but doubt it.