Workless Wednesday

he asked the question "is it racist?"

and it's fun to give him shit about how he is the whitest of the white.
Keep trying to convince roob to side with you. I'm sure it will go swimmingly.
I need to clean the snow off the truck...after another cup of coffee.

and you know what sucks??? Now the trees are dropping their leaves, driveway is layered with snow and leaves....looks like crap.
I need to clean the snow off the truck...after another cup of coffee.

and you know what sucks??? Now the trees are dropping their leaves, driveway is layered with snow and leaves....looks like crap.
"walking in a winter wonderland"
I need to clean the snow off the truck...after another cup of coffee.

and you know what sucks??? Now the trees are dropping their leaves, driveway is layered with snow and leaves....looks like crap.
The rain before the snow was the problem yesterday when shoveling.
I may have mentioned this before but my friend Greg from high school is a stand-up comedian and he opens for Stormy Daniels in all of her shows.
View attachment 7579
he must be a really great standup to open up for one of the top standups in the game *squints* stormy daniels?
he must be a really great standup to open up for one of the top standups in the game *squints* stormy daniels?
hes pretty funny. he tried acting for a while too. 1:15 in and again later.

I got my snow fix by watching reruns of Ice Road Truckers last night.
I haven't watched that in awhile, is Lisa still on the show?
reminds me, I need to put in to have Election Day off.
do they give time off for rioting? and you keep on looking for other jobs?

i followed @Fish lead and voted yesterday. 20 minute round trip, not too bad .
Seems to be today's thread theme.

I thought it was bad when everyone was just discussing inane shit, like what they had for supper, but it's gotten worse.

I was totally going to share my breakfast with you guys

Ship has sailed now buddy
I haven't watched that in awhile, is Lisa still on the show?
They're all reruns, so yes most of the time.

Like every other show I like, they figured out I liked it, and cancelled it.
he must be a really great standup to open up for one of the top standups in the game *squints* stormy daniels?
She's been known to get a rise out of people.
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On a close but unrelated note. Leslie Jones just isn't my cup of tea. Nothing against her. She's obviously wildly more successful than I'll ever be. But I just can't get into her style. If just screaming and being obnoxious is your thing, then you'll love her. At this point the only people on SNL that are consistently good is Michael Che and Colin (whatever his last name is. The dude that is banging Scarlett Johansson.

Michael Che's stand up on Netflix is also one of the best out there. Highly recommend.

I haven't watched a full episode of SNL since the mid 2000's

Only thing I know that chick was in is Ghostbusters and that shit looked turrible
why would any adult actually watch the remake?
of all the 100 gameshow reboots they've put back out there I do enjoy to tell the truth.
They're all reruns, so yes most of the time.

Like every other show I like, they figured out I liked it, and cancelled it.
If you're looking for anything new to watch, can I recommend Supermarket Sweep?
I haven't watched a full episode of SNL since the mid 2000's

Only thing I know that chick was in is Ghostbusters and that shit looked turrible
I haven't watched a full episode of SNL since the mid 2000's

Only thing I know that chick was in is Ghostbusters and that shit looked turrible
I occasionally give it a go when bored, but its mostly only good for some highlights. Bill Burr had some funny moments the other week. But overall, its meh.

None of these things are true.
I don't know, Bly Manor and Unsolved Mysteries Vol. 2 was a bit of a let down.
I don't know, Bly Manor and Unsolved Mysteries Vol. 2 was a bit of a let down.
I only watched the first episode of didn't really reel me in.