Workless Wednesday

I can't be that shut off because I have a toddler who still gets up in the middle of the night sometimes. Maybe should've had a second cocktail last night to dull the senses.
That sucks.

And yes.
I need to clean the snow off the truck...after another cup of coffee.

and you know what sucks??? Now the trees are dropping their leaves, driveway is layered with snow and leaves....looks like crap.
The leaves will help melt the snow and then you can rake again after the rain moves in and gets rid of the rest of the snow.
do they give time off for rioting? and you keep on looking for other jobs?

i followed @Fish lead and voted yesterday. 20 minute round trip, not too bad .
Mailed mine in and confirmed it was accepted. Now I can forward through those political ads on TV that are super informative and would've changed my mind about who I was voting for.
Fish and Hippie have both been run off. Who else will go next?!
And because it was improperly steered to race when this day should have been focused on pronouns. for shame people, for shame

of all the 100 gameshow reboots they've put back out there I do enjoy to tell the truth.
Get back to me when they remake that game with the Whammy. (Unless they already have...)
I was hoping I wouldn't have to do both, but here we are.
and to think, it was all because Douche had to make a comment about the new host of Supermarket Slump
Damn it people. I leave for 2 fucking hours.
Soo we covered racism in the morning. Abortion this afternoon?