Wow ... poor AZ ... Fisch to UW

Sumlin left a mess @ Arizona. Fisch's first year they won one game, his third they won 10 games and finished #11 in the country. pretty good turnaround job. Fisch has been all over the place as an asst. Very experienced.



Big deal for Fisch
I like the fact that he has proven that he can build a team into a winner. He brings a wealth of experience to the table from not only being a HC but under such greats as Jim Harbaugh and Sean McVay.

I like it....
It is a business but it seems weird that UW would want him. He just seems like the moment he takes the job, he will be eyeing another job. Basically Mario Cristobal

I wouldn't assume that necessarily. He had a lot of good reasons to bail on Arizona: They don't care about football here, the school is broke, they're jumping into a B level conference next year, etc.

No guy who is successful anywhere is gonna be guaranteed to stay. I remember how we listened to it for years at Alabama that Saban was gonna bail on us.
Surprised he didn’t burst into flames walking through the door with all the college girls he banged while cheating on his wife


Colt McCoy goes there too. So did Frank Kaminski before the Suns cut him.