Freakin Friday

The Preds won me some money last night.
Those bowel movements going to get even worse....
We laughed when the nurses in the maternity ward said we had the stinkiest baby in the unit. Diaper Genie is going to be getting a workout from this dude.
Zoom retirement party just doesn't have the same feel of a live retirement party.
it did not, zoom is tough because only one person can talk at a time but was better than nothing. I think we're hoping to do a lunch with them when we can return to campus, but who knows by then they may not want to go near campus again (I think two of them are contemplating working part time in 6 months when they're allowed to take a temp position)
To go all in on your team the first day of the season and on the road is ballsy.

There's a reason I usually avoid betting on my teams.

It's fake money. Not like I put $2k on BTC this morning or anything
We actually got more holidays as a result of a merger. We used to have New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Black Friday, and Christmas. We now also get MLK, Christmas Eve, and New Year's Eve, so hooray!
I get 10 paid holidays a year I think

some of them are "floating"
Is this your first or do you have other older kids?
I don't have kids of my own but I've had to change my wife's granddaughter's diaper enough times when she was a baby to know how it is.
Good morning good people. All of my grandchildren are now out of virus quarantine. That's a relief to me. We could use some better organization on the distribution of the vaccine.

Well, there's football this weekend. Looking forward to that. I don't really think the Cleveland Browns have much of a chance, but hey, it's the playoffs and in the NFL, anything can happen.

Weather seems decent this weekend. I'll try and take the dog for a few walks and see how she reacts. She's blind and gets scared.

Thought for the day: Always keep your chin up, or you're just looking at boobs all day. Alright, let your chin drop.
i'm falling apart.

I don't think I'm following correct erogonomics so end up awfully sore shoulders