The Source of COVID

Covid was created in the Wuhan lab.
Ok, that’s a good point. I’m not sure of the mechanisms, but imagined the military would just acquire samples and study details later.

Concurrently makes total sense. I don’t agree with it, but I can totally see it goes on this way.
Everything has a military application with new tech. The military could be using gene editing tech to learn how to apply it to a virii while the non military would use the same lab, techniques and data to develop an antiviral treatment against the same.
The issue is that China is the sort of regime that will expend a huge amount of effort to suppress whatever it is they did.
Again, they are no different than us in that regard. Zero difference. Keep in mind that in AUG19 we closed down Fort Detrick germ labs for safety but what happened is still classified due to national security.
Our mistake was that we trusted the Chinese to be responsible.
I disagree. Our mistake is in accepting the risks of GOF research for human jumps, IF you see that as a mistake. Faucci agrees that the risks are worth the reward. As little as I like him or think he is "the man", I tend to agree with him on that.
Again, they are no different than us in that regard. Zero difference. Keep in mind that in AUG19 we closed down Fort Detrick germ labs for safety but what happened is still classified due to national security.
True. We've had leaks. The Russians many more. And yes, we've suppressed it. But never was there an instance where the facility and/or staff were known before to be lacking in training and safety AND the result was a mass epidemic or pandemic. Even the Russians knew to close borders.
I disagree. Our mistake is in accepting the risks of GOF research for human jumps, IF you see that as a mistake. Faucci agrees that the risks are worth the reward. As little as I like him or think he is "the man", I tend to agree with him on that.
I agree with him too. But we fucked up in trusting the Chinese. As I said, we don't have to worry about the big bad Chinese military stealing the research to use as a weapon; that was never the big risk. But we should have been worrying that the Chinese couldn't contain and safely work with SARS. China is the main villain for unleashing SARS upon the Earth, and then lying about it, making the response worse. But we're complicit, as a dupe, because we trusted them, even knowing full well that WIV was a crappy facility that was run poorly.
I agree with him too. But we fucked up in trusting the Chinese. As I said, we don't have to worry about the big bad Chinese military stealing the research to use as a weapon; that was never the big risk. But we should have been worrying that the Chinese couldn't contain and safely work with SARS. China is the main villain for unleashing SARS upon the Earth, and then lying about it, making the response worse. But we're complicit, as a dupe, because we trusted them, even knowing full well that WIV was a crappy facility that was run poorly.
I may be splitting hairs, so if I am just overlook this with my apologies: I really do not think it is a matter of trust at all but more of a business decision. The Chinese do not have the same costs of doing business. They have a broader range of allowable experimental subjects, lower costs and standards. Plus their government is not big on individual rights and risks to the public. They could just do stuff there that is banned here and with a low comparative cost. Even if something escapes, Wuhan is a long way from Maryland.
True. We've had leaks. The Russians many more. And yes, we've suppressed it. But never was there an instance where the facility and/or staff were known before to be lacking in training and safety AND the result was a mass epidemic or pandemic. Even the Russians knew to close borders.

I agree with him too. But we fucked up in trusting the Chinese. As I said, we don't have to worry about the big bad Chinese military stealing the research to use as a weapon; that was never the big risk. But we should have been worrying that the Chinese couldn't contain and safely work with SARS. China is the main villain for unleashing SARS upon the Earth, and then lying about it, making the response worse. But we're complicit, as a dupe, because we trusted them, even knowing full well that WIV was a crappy facility that was run poorly.
I agree that it’s a fuck up. But, I also stop and appreciate that this was likely a very tough call that they realized ultimately they had to try and partner in. That’s the way I see it anyway. I just don’t see it being something of gross ineptitude or a failure to evaluate all of this well.

On the plus side you can coordinate with a deep pool of likely talented scientists and you could have an eye into what their up to.

On the negative side you have to deal with the Chinese Government and all of their nonsense.

If I’m assigning lack of foresight it’s on that negative. But, I can appreciate how they felt they needed to do this. I can also see an issue of hubris. We knew they took safety and security weakly. And we thought we could change them for the better :facepalm:
Everything has a military application with new tech. The military could be using gene editing tech to learn how to apply it to a virii while the non military would use the same lab, techniques and data to develop an antiviral treatment against the same.

Again, they are no different than us in that regard. Zero difference. Keep in mind that in AUG19 we closed down Fort Detrick germ labs for safety but what happened is still classified due to national security.

I disagree. Our mistake is in accepting the risks of GOF research for human jumps, IF you see that as a mistake. Faucci agrees that the risks are worth the reward. As little as I like him or think he is "the man", I tend to agree with him on that.
A question I don’t have full understanding on….for you or anyone with an answer…..

Do we have to GOF a virus to human transmissibility to be able to stop how to guard against it?
A question I don’t have full understanding on….for you or anyone with an answer…..

Do we have to GOF a virus to human transmissibility to be able to stop how to guard against it?
<Shakes his Magic 8 Ball>
I think so in almost all cases. Without that, you would be guessing on how it infects someone.
<Shakes his Magic 8 Ball>
I think so in almost all cases. Without that, you would be guessing on how it infects someone.
Totally makes sense of true.

I just didn’t want to Google and try to figure the right search term if someone knew.
Love the pattern that has developed with experts.

It took more than a decade for the truth to come out.

In April and May 1979, at least 66 people died after airborne anthrax bacteria emerged from a military lab in the Soviet Union. But leading American scientists voiced confidence in the Soviets’ claim that the pathogen had jumped from animals to humans. Only after a full-fledged investigation in the 1990s did one of those scientists confirm the earlier suspicions: The accident in what is now the Russian Urals city of Yekaterinburg was a lab leak, one of the deadliest ever documented.

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Jimmy Fallon What GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Love the pattern that has developed with experts.

It took more than a decade for the truth to come out.

In April and May 1979, at least 66 people died after airborne anthrax bacteria emerged from a military lab in the Soviet Union. But leading American scientists voiced confidence in the Soviets’ claim that the pathogen had jumped from animals to humans. Only after a full-fledged investigation in the 1990s did one of those scientists confirm the earlier suspicions: The accident in what is now the Russian Urals city of Yekaterinburg was a lab leak, one of the deadliest ever documented.

Good call out. This did happen. And we had scientists who backed the lie for politics. I guess Wuhan is nothing new.

It did get me thinking how the Soviets would put critical installations in population centers on some weird theory that if the shit hit the fan we would not strike all of them.

Good reminder that history merely repeats itself here. Only, as tragic as this was it effected an area and not the globe.
This may explain why big tech is censoring covid news they don't like.

Google funded research carried out by Wuhan-linked scientist Peter Daszak and his charity for more than a decade, it has been revealed.

The tech giant's charity arm,, has repeatedly provided financial backing for research and studies carried out by scandal-hit Daszak and his New York-based EcoHealth Alliance.

The financial ties, which were first reported by The National Pulse, are disclosed in various scientific studies between 2010 and 2018.

The studies are not related to COVID-19 or the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Google funded studies by Wuhan-linked scientist Peter Daszak's charity
This may explain why big tech is censoring covid news they don't like.

Google funded research carried out by Wuhan-linked scientist Peter Daszak and his charity for more than a decade, it has been revealed.

The tech giant's charity arm,, has repeatedly provided financial backing for research and studies carried out by scandal-hit Daszak and his New York-based EcoHealth Alliance.

The financial ties, which were first reported by The National Pulse, are disclosed in various scientific studies between 2010 and 2018.

The studies are not related to COVID-19 or the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Google funded studies by Wuhan-linked scientist Peter Daszak's charity
Wuhan linked….as in he worked in the lab there?

Even if that’s a yes it just feels awfully like correlation only IMO.
Wuhan linked….as in he worked in the lab there?

Even if that’s a yes it just feels awfully like correlation only IMO.

The guy Peter Daszak is coming up everywhere. He is the guy setting up all the funding through EcoHealth Alliance. He also is the guy that orchestrated the Lancet article of calling the lab leak a conspiracy.

He also had to recuse himself from the investigations into Wuhan.
The guy Peter Daszak is coming up everywhere. He is the guy setting up all the funding through EcoHealth Alliance. He also is the guy that orchestrated the Lancet article of calling the lab leak a conspiracy.

He also had to recuse himself from the investigations into Wuhan.
Then I take the correlation only claim back. Interesting.

Ive always believed that the bug got out of the lab, I just haven’t gone very deep down the rabbit hole on it.
This may explain why big tech is censoring covid news they don't like.

Google funded research carried out by Wuhan-linked scientist Peter Daszak and his charity for more than a decade, it has been revealed.

The tech giant's charity arm,, has repeatedly provided financial backing for research and studies carried out by scandal-hit Daszak and his New York-based EcoHealth Alliance.

The financial ties, which were first reported by The National Pulse, are disclosed in various scientific studies between 2010 and 2018.

The studies are not related to COVID-19 or the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Google funded studies by Wuhan-linked scientist Peter Daszak's charity
I haven't checked, but would have a high level of confidence the Gates Fd tossed money at EcoHealth as well.

That's the first "Eco" foundation I've ever seen which is actually good for the environment - by killing millions of people!
Here's another POS that has since deleted his Twitter account.

It was Jan. 31, 2020, and a leading infectious disease expert, Kristian Andersen, had been examining the genetic characteristics of the newly emerging SARS-CoV virus.

“Some of the features (potentially) look engineered,” Andersen wrote in an email to Dr. Anthony Fauci, noting that he and other scientists “all find the genome inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory.”


In his email, Andersen called the ideas that the virus was engineered “crackpot theories,” writing, “engineering can mean many things and could be done for basic research or nefarious reasons, but the data conclusively show that neither was done.”


A fact sheet put out by the State Department at the end of the Trump administration in January — which was vetted by intelligence agencies and has not been disavowed by the Biden administration — says there is circumstantial evidence for a lab leak.

It has since emerged that the U.S. identified three employees of the Wuhan Institute of Virology who sought treatment at a hospital for symptoms consistent with Covid-19, contradicting the head of that lab, who said none of her workers got sick.

Fauci’s emails don’t prove a Wuhan conspiracy, but raise further questions