15 Fast Food Chains that are in trouble

croissanwiches are gross, they don't even come close to a biscuit from McD's
Last year we were in Florida to get on a cruise. As is often the case with my family, everyone was running late in the morning and no one had eaten when the van came to pick us up. My wife convinced the driver to stop at a McDonald’s on the way to the port. When we got to the McDonald’s, there was a long-ass line at the drive-through and the driver started getting pissed. There was a BK across the street with no line at all (shocker). So we went across the street and got BK breakfast instead. Horrible. No one even ate it. Ended up being a waste of time and money.
Last year we were in Florida to get on a cruise. As is often the case with my family, everyone was running late in the morning and no one had eaten when the van came to pick us up. My wife convinced the driver to stop at a McDonald’s on the way to the port. When we got to the McDonald’s, there was a long-ass line at the drive-through and the driver started getting pissed. There was a BK across the street with no line at all (shocker). So we went across the street and got BK breakfast instead. Horrible. No one even ate it. Ended up being a waste of time and money.

When I see a long line up at the drive-through, I immediately park and go in on foot. Nine times out of ten I come out before the cars that were in the lineup when I drove up.
I see people lining up at McDonalds and Tim Hortons here for drive through morning or whenever coffee.

Why the fuck do you need coffee to drive? Huge line ups.

Simply don't get it. When I'm driving I'm driving, don't need no stinking coffee.

I also see high school kids skipping out to go get their lattes or mochas or whatever the fuck. I never really liked coffee until I was 20 or so.

Sissy coffees are as bad as candy flavoured vape units,

But sissy coffees are like a prerequisite to driving a station wagon.
One cup of coffee in the morning. That’s it for me. And never while I’m driving.

I’ve had a latte or whatever they are once. We had my son at the hospital in Vancouver and they had a big coffee bar. So I got one of these things with foam on top. Then I looked around and saw what people were doing with it and they were sprinkling cinnamon on it and things like that. So I put cinnamon on mine. Probably a bit too much. Because when I put it to my mouth to take a sip, I gave a little bit of an inhale at the same time, and I sucked in a bunch of cinnamon to my windpipe.
Holy fucking crap was that horrible. I started coughing and coughing and hacking and I needed something to wash it down so I took a big gulp of my coffee, which of course was steaming fucking hot, scalded my throat. I was fucked up for the rest of the day, constantly clearing my throat of cinnamon. Never again.
You have an issue with needing to share with people that don't give a shit.
Last year we were in Florida to get on a cruise. As is often the case with my family, everyone was running late in the morning and no one had eaten when the van came to pick us up. My wife convinced the driver to stop at a McDonald’s on the way to the port. When we got to the McDonald’s, there was a long-ass line at the drive-through and the driver started getting pissed. There was a BK across the street with no line at all (shocker). So we went across the street and got BK breakfast instead. Horrible. No one even ate it. Ended up being a waste of time and money.
@Bender would have eaten it.
mickey d's popularity must be based on how they've overtaken the globe and are everywhere.

Their fries are shit, any McD i go to, the fries are somehow burnt, translucent and soft.

the breakfast sandwiches suck in comparison to a croissan'wich at BK, croissant is the best bread for a sandwich, how is this even a thing?
I do like the ham egg and cheese croissant from BK. I get one or two a year
I do like the ham egg and cheese croissant from BK. I get one or two a year
Yeah, I never go there myself, but a croissant is the best breakfast sandwich base, I didn't realize it was controversial.
Yeah, I never go there myself, but a croissant is the best breakfast sandwich base, I didn't realize it was controversial.
croissants are too French to be the best at anything. A good southern buttermilk biscuit wins every day.
Get it with the caramel dipping sauce?

Vomit Barf GIF
Yeah, I never go there myself, but a croissant is the best breakfast sandwich base, I didn't realize it was controversial.
Bagels >>> all.

Granted, this is fast food we're talking here, and the bagels McD used to sell (no idea if they still do) were ass.

The one advantage I will give McDonald's on the muffin sammiches is that they actually use(d) fresh eggs. Everything else that I've seen in fast food eggs comes from a mixture of eggs and other stuff.

If McDonald's sold the real eggs with their biscuit sandwiches, they'd win. I think I got BK more because of the croissants and French toast sticks, but honestly I'd just as soon go to Wawa and get a better bagel.