Can we finally call Mike Trout a brittle bitch?

Hey guise, is the active leader in WAR any good?
Dude never completes a season. I am baffled at how many people think this guy deserves GOAT conversation and yet he is only around for an average of 70 games a season, oh and he never makes it to the post-season
Dude never completes a season. I am baffled at how many people think this guy deserves GOAT conversation and yet he is only around for an average of 70 games a season, oh and he never makes it to the post-season
1) He's been to the playoffs.
2) He's been hurt, and that's been what's really kept his numbers out of the true GOAT trajectory he'd been on. He hasn't played 130 games since 2019 (2020 wasn't his fault, but whatever).

He missed a quarter of the season last year and still hit 40 bombs, good for second in the AL.

He's going to the HOF when he retires, and will be in the conversation of greatest CFs of all time. He's already top 5.

Dude never completes a season. I am baffled at how many people think this guy deserves GOAT conversation and yet he is only around for an average of 70 games a season, oh and he never makes it to the post-season

to be fair, he has as many titles as Oregon football
Dude never completes a season. I am baffled at how many people think this guy deserves GOAT conversation and yet he is only around for an average of 70 games a season, oh and he never makes it to the post-season
Ty Cobb averaged less than 130 games per year. You can look it up
2 years during his career 1918-19 were the only years the Tigers played less than 150 games during Cobb's career. You can look it up.
You are a liar!
2 years during his career 1918-19 were the only years the Tigers played less than 150 games during Cobb's career. You can look it up.
The same years Captain Cobb was serving in France.
The same years Captain Cobb was serving in France.
I have modeled my life after Cobb. In fact, just last week I tried to strangle a darkie groundskeeper for gettin' uppity
I have modeled my life after Cobb. In fact, just last week I tried to strangle a darkie groundskeeper for gettin' uppity
Pretty well every infamous story about Cobb either didn’t happen or was highly sensationalized by Al Stump after Cobb was dead and couldn’t sue for libel.

Do some research on Cobb and if anything, he was less racist than the average white man of his time, north or south. Black newspapers even praised him after his death for his work to desegregate baseball
Dude never completes a season. I am baffled at how many people think this guy deserves GOAT conversation and yet he is only around for an average of 70 games a season, oh and he never makes it to the post-season
In his defense, the post-season, while not his fault, is never really an option for the Angels